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情報 [Wiki] [BG Wiki] [FFXIDB]
在庫 9
落札率 Slow (0.416 件/日)
中央 500,000
キャラ一覧: [所有中] [装備中]
上限 1,000,000
下限 200,000
平均 560,200
ラスト 350,000
3 Days 前350,000
12 Days 前400,000
14 Days 前400,000
15 Days 前500,000
GilPrice History1/172/102/222/263/20k1,000k250k500k750k1,250kExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart
取引履歴 (25)
Mar. 15, 2025LiraMaxbuster350,000
Mar. 6, 2025MirriamShinrah400,000
Mar. 4, 2025RuteaZbuse400,000
Mar. 3, 2025StationZoidburg500,000
Mar. 2, 2025ThrakTinypooter500,000
Mar. 2, 2025SeraphicalTinypooter500,000
Mar. 1, 2025VeelersRostnsthal400,000
Feb. 27, 2025MillialdUsagiasu500,000
Feb. 27, 2025RagnusUsagiasu600,000
Feb. 26, 2025RagtarunustaruSparlo400,000
コメント (17)
Quetzalcoatl.Aerisss[Report] スコア: 158
Converts HP to MP does have a differance from -HP +MP

For Convert HP>MP to work, you must have the HP available. If your character does not have the nescissary HP, then you will not recive the MP.

However -HP +MP will always give +MP no matter what your HP is.
2007-07-01 13:59:47
Alexander.Baracca[Report] スコア: 23
Gregowe, read the comment you mentioned. RMT is illegal, thats not in question. However it is completely legal to buy low and sell high. If you can get a good deal on a item and re-sell it at a higher price, good for you!

If I can drive the price up on a certain item and make a better profit by doing so, thats just intelligent business.
2008-09-19 11:27:13
Cerberus.Lonebadger[Report] スコア: 3
This has gotten so cheap on most servers that it just doesn't seem worth it to fight the BCNMs anymore.
2010-09-23 07:56:24
Titan.Jgreen[Report] スコア: 3
if people would read the playonline user agreement...it is legal to "price fix" and many ffxi players make their gil by taking advantage of this...much like in a real economy. so who cares...report real RMT who are doing the XNM's.
2008-09-03 00:38:52
Ragnarok.Mythra[Report] スコア: 2
Things not against ToS don't mean they are not possibly related to RMT activities. If you have ever read special taskforce report, there is a category for *bad* use of the AH. However you can just report *possible RMT activities* and let the taskforce investigate them. It doesn't hurt if you are not RMTers.
2009-02-21 10:46:02
Pandemonium.Nalien[Report] スコア: -2
Price fixing is NOT against the ToS. Something you might want to know before wasting your effort , time and nerves on something like this.
Instead use these people to profit yourself...
2008-11-29 16:08:20
Fairy.Icywind[Report] スコア: -4
Overmore its an easy bcnm to buy it, so if u don't have money to afford or u don't want to spent, u can simply fight to obtain it.
I love fixing price for my purpose, so kids are my best customers, lol.
2010-03-17 03:05:18
Alexander.Dantaro 表示 スコア: -16
On the topic of convert HP > MP gear, it also makes a difference for gear that activates at yellow HP.
While using gear like Zenith mitts, your yellow HP is determined as 75% of your hp WITH convert HP>MP gear on, while -HP +MP gear cannot be used this way.

(aka if putting on Zenith mitts brings me to 550HP, its 75% of 550, not 600. But having -50 HP in -HP gear on will still require 75% of 600.)
2008-03-03 16:45:22
Asura.Wyl 表示 スコア: -17
lol these ppl are like a group or something every server is seeing the same thing for increases prices. It'd be funny if it wasn't stupid. Ppl say its RMT, maybe it is, maybe its not. Maybe its actually 1 group of people playing on every server that get into a group and say "We will raise prices, cause we can." Its understandable the arguments saying that its "buy low, sell high" but its on every server. Can anyone explain that?
2009-04-26 22:20:47
Shiva.Tigersoul 表示 スコア: -19
watch out these are being manipulated by RMT usual price was about 150k just check corcodile
2009-03-27 18:49:02
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