a pro tip from a fellow goldsmither: when lvl 54 rings sell for 8-10k you can make money! quit bitching and start desynthing lol not only will you profit you will eliminate NQ from the system and this will help bring price up... if not you at least make money
To be honest it would make more sense to buy the mats for this synth as you'll only be losing a very small amount at the worst. Farming the materials takes time, time you could of spent farming twice the amount of gil to buy the mats. Simple.
ok.. im real picky about my stuff.. i am a crafter i do farm some items i am not an RMT.. but i do try and raise ah prices for some crafted items but to each their own. if someone wants it bad enough they wiill pay it.. crafters know approx how much they put into their items whether it be time spend gathering materials or gil spent buying them.. thats not even uncluding time and effort into getting a craft to even close enough to try and make it... ie sun ring lvl 75...charge what you feel you deserve whether it be high or low. I dont like when crafted only items are put low but it will sell fast then it will leave room for the ones ive massed produced lol Theres at least 3 items ive done in the last 6 months that i'm the one that set the price for it. Ok i'm done w/ my rant now. Sorry you all had to see it.
These doesnt cost 30k to make. These cost 30k to make IF you are buying everything from the AH.
If you farm 8 gold ores or 8 gold beastcoins the price drops way lower. It is provoking that you point your finger at someone that isnt as lazy as yourself. you can farm the mats and synth these alot cheaper than 30k (kill, digg or mine). and that doesnt mean you are a gilbuyer.
ok people lets get serious...these cost almost 30k to make...stop undercutting each other and sell them at a decent price...ur killing the crafters when u sell at a 60% loss..and if ur a crafter selling this low consistantly then ur buying ur gil