please refer to Kanican.Livejournal Enmity testing results for information on how variables affecting tanking performance. relavant facts: 1. each players Total Enmity = Volitile Enm.(VE) + Cumulative Enm.(CE) 2. Provoke = 1800 VE 3. VE dacays at 60VE per sec. 4. "Enmity+" gears adds 1% per each +1. so enmity+10 gear adds 180VE to voke for 1980VE instead of 1800VE. gives u a 3 sec "headstart" each time ^.^ can be VERY useful when tanking. GL
NIN/WARs should invest in a set of these to macro in along with a Mermaid's Ring, and an Mercenary Mantle. At level 54 NIN, on your Provoke macro - the +7 Enmity will help a ton. Especially if you have a trigger happy BLM in party with you. My 2 cents - buy a pair, and keep them forever. These are awesome Voke/swap pieces of gear.
LOL trigger happy black mages @ 54 pfft in my experience us black mages stop being invited at 50 and who cares since we can solo the xp twice as fast as a party w/o all the hassle.
There also price fixing on Asura was 50k now gone up to 200k chars involved Kwame,Deavin,Lublanc,Toshire,Xspace,Scremy,Junboy,Ortegor,Shukudai,Harues,Shiruba,Pancer,Coorck,Urfugly,Lrenu,Rexomuz,Elomendl,Txoucg maybe more of them thats the names of the RMTS price fixing that i have found so far