To summarize what others have said: 2% haste makes these one of the best purchasable boots to TP or blink tank in. The attack+ and hp+ are nice bonuses for DD and tanking as well.
MNK, SAM and NIN can get slightly more haste for much cheaper with Fuma Sune-ate, but some people especially those with multiple jobs still wear dusk to save money and space.
Clearing up what Galatea said, these are more expensive than Dusk Gloves because the high quality version of Dusk Ledelsens is in so much less demand than the high quality version of Dusk Gloves.
The HQ Gloves are the top haste piece overall for every job that can wear them. Dusk Ledelsens +1 are either arguably equal to or less worthwhile than other footwear of every job *except* warrior.
Since fewer people buy Dusk Ledelsens +1, fewer people make them. Since fewer people make them, they can sell the NQ versions for more to cut their losses.
In response to ultima, there is a 10% chance of HQ, yes, but there is an equal or greater chance (i forget exactly) that they will break and loose the behemoth leather, so i think the HQ price is more then fair.
As a high level THF, you're limited in your foot gear. You can either get Dragon Leggings which are basically Leaping/Bounding Boots with an extra ATT+2, Assassin's Poulaines for the CHR+5 (for use with DE) and Triple Attack +1, or these.
If you haven't got the relic boots yet, get these.
"Why are these more expensive then Dusk Gloves? I thought the gloves were better.." -Glaciont
Because Dusk Gloves +1 give more Haste than Homam Manopolas, while Dusk Feet +1 are the same amount of Haste as Homam Gambieras! People are spamming them :3
To Vincevalentine, 25HP awesome, 4 attack awesome. What your forgetting is people are not buying them for those stats they are buying them for the +Haste. And Fuma have more +Haste so you sir would be an idiot to use these over Fuma when they are infact more expensive. Also +AGI could help a small small ammount with parrying and eva which NIN deff. benifits from.