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炎の鉱石   1D
TOP » 素材 » 彫金
情報 [Wiki] [BG Wiki] [FFXIDB]
在庫 0
1D価格 300,000 (300,000 per)
落札率 Slow (0.598 件/日)
中央 10,000
上限 10,000
下限 10,000
平均 10,000
ラスト 10,000
49 Mins 前10,000
7 Hours 前10,000
20 Hours 前10,000
20 Hours 前10,000
GilPrice History2/22/112/232/283/150k10k2.5k5k7.5k12.5kExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart
取引履歴 (25)
Mar. 15, 2025AachanMalekhai10,000
Mar. 15, 2025LukelandBbbbbbbbbbbbbbb10,000
Mar. 15, 2025MoewrdoOsakanayasan10,000
Mar. 15, 2025MoewrdoOsakanayasan10,000
Mar. 15, 2025MoewrdoOsakanayasan10,000
Mar. 7, 2025MoewrdoJormyy10,000
Mar. 6, 2025PurriaPanahome10,000
Mar. 2, 2025LukelandArtsa10,000
Feb. 28, 2025DroutdaicaBbbbbbbbbbbbbbb10,000
Feb. 28, 2025WildfangBbbbbbbbbbbbbbb10,000
コメント (8)
Siren.Flunklesnarkin[Report] スコア: 7
NPC's for 3,715 gil with max fame
2011-02-03 14:34:46
Asura.Blueelementaru[Report] スコア: 6
@Baetin As someone who tends to sell alot of different stuff: In a market in which prices are in an inevitable decline with an unknown bottom, patience can be as costly as impatience. Sometimes you're just desperate to get your stuff sold before someone else gets dumb enough to slash prices even more, and quite possibly permanently. Admittedly, this fear is largely due to the widespread impatience of sellers, which forces everyone else to play along or get burned.
2010-08-06 20:59:04
Asura.Arteban[Report] スコア: 0
Supply/Demand. Enough said.
2012-02-26 07:51:04
Asura.Korvana[Report] スコア: 0
Well, it's at 10,000 now.
2014-11-18 17:47:18
Ramuh.Baetain[Report] スコア: -6
Just watch... these, along with the other elemental ores, are about to become as worthless as crystals. The market is so oversaturated and people are slashing prices. Soon, you 'll be able to pick up any of them for less than 10,000. Watch. Sellers are inherently stupid and will slash prices to nil before they learn an ounce of patience.
2010-07-09 16:06:24
Remora.Zirg 表示 スコア: -12
I agree, ppl are so dumb they undercut just to get a sale faster. Its even worse on crafted items/gear. Take the SH, it used to be over 1 mil for the norm one, and even before the last few updates it had became worthless. Crafters screwed themself by lower the price so low, that if you didn't get a HQ when crafting you made more gil saleing the items used to make it. lol
2010-08-28 10:11:34
Cerberus.Ladykali 表示 スコア: -36
It is obvious by looking at the pattern of sales that RMT are lowering prices for other RMT to make HQ staves. Two RMT on Cerberus who never buy anything for player use (food, gear, etc.) but only sell ores and make HQ staves. For months.
2008-07-11 16:57:20
Bismarck.Hwarang 表示 スコア: -56
drop price in ores this fast might be due to RMT activities.
2008-01-05 19:26:49
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id:1891 Goldsmithing (87)