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玄武兜   Rare Ex
[Head] All Races
防35 HP+50 VIT+15 耐水+50
LV 75 戦 モ 獣 詩 狩 侍 忍
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コメント (7)
Garuda.Midnightmemory[Report] スコア: 20
Wonderful for chakra. Lot's of monk weaponskills and abilities have VIT multipliers. Awesome for macros and soloing with.
2008-02-29 02:40:34
Bahamut.Kelia[Report] スコア: 16
2008-11-05 23:13:21
Gilgamesh.Gattamus[Report] スコア: 7
Unbelievably awesome Steel Cyclone gear for WAR. Expect to wear this until Hecatomb Cap.
2009-02-11 15:07:00
Cerberus.Bsphil[Report] スコア: 3
**REALLY** obscure use:

I idle in this on my BRD. As a tarutaru, I have 948 HP on BRD75/NIN37 naked, and in my idle gear, 1235 HP. That means I only have to drop my HP down to 926 HP to activate Minstrel's Ring latent (you start casting in your idle gear, then swap to your other gear after you start casting). As far as idle gear goes, it's HP+50 to help keep my max HP high, solid defense and a bunch of VIT+ to go along with terra's staff/jelly ring/cheviot cape. Perfect for idling in all around.
2010-02-15 02:07:48
Quetzalcoatl.Itikuo[Report] スコア: -4
I agree with Anethesia. Lets also not forget Omega Zergs with WAR,BST,BRD,RNG,SAM,NIN who use a sword and Spirits Within to pummel Omega. Granted Samurai are ideal as a TP Samurai can meditate for 140-180 with just their AF head and Relic Hands. Not to mention their 2 hour that gives them 300% 200% and 100%. If properly done they can do a 300>200+>200+
2010-04-23 15:41:41
Bismarck.Makai[Report] スコア: -8
Duo'd King Arthro (WAR/NIN (me), THF/DRK (/DRK to claim with stun) + NPC) with a friend a couple of days ago and one Waterga IV suddenly did 453 Damage to the THF, npc was out of mp at that time. Thanks to bloody bolts we kicked the Crab-King's ***. To prevent that I'll try this fight with G. Kabuto to prevent the spell hitting me unresisted. You think the +50 water resistance will help alot? One the other side: I've fought KA for about 20 times and I've never seen this insane damage caused to a level 75 player...maybe it was just bad luck.
2009-06-27 17:51:13
Gilgamesh.Modron 表示 スコア: -17
If you need one of these please mail me by ffxiah.com
Can lower the price also

いずれかのffxiah.comがメインにメールをお送りくださいが必要 また、価格を下げることができます
2009-04-25 16:36:43
スクリーンショット (1)
id:436 Alchemy (??)