Being on of the very few shields that can be improved via synergy/evolith this shield still offers the highest available defense from all ah-sellable shields.(still true at current lv 95cap) This however is ONLY!! correct against a certain family one at a time. The evolith-edged boost will read "x-defence + against family-X". For 2 reasons I would personally choose the "Beast" family. 1) this augment offers additional protecetion against a big varity of different mobs, among of them many of the higher lv NMs in Abyssea. For example Behemoths, Cerberus, Manticores, Tigers, Monoceros and many other. 2) It goes hand in hand with the Beast-Killer effect making it a very nice shield if tanking anything of the "Beast" family. People will have to decide for their own if a highly situation-dependent item like this is worth the price tag to them. PS: try to aim for a smooth synergy (H.Q) since this offers the possibility to edge in evoliths with a higher additional def boost.
While lacking HP, Kaiser got 6 more VIT. VIT has important functions. Firstly, it lower the damage curve thus reducing the overall maximum damage that a character would have taken. Secondly, VIT increase the potency of Cure spells and abilities - Waltz & Chakra. 1 VIT > 1 Healing Magic Skill. Allow more effective use of party MP & TP resources. VIT also effect the amount of magic damage absorb by Rampart. Formula is VIT*2. Kaiser DEF is actually 26 vs Terror DEF 20. 6 VIT = 3 additional defense. Thus better damage mitigation when blocking. Beast Killer as bonus aside.
Terror Shield is very good shield in it's own right and much easier to come by (cheaper too). But Kaiser Shield is better in general. Beside Campaign, Terror Shield should be use over Kaiser when a lot of HP gears required. As HP gear often lacks Enmity, Terror Shield really shine in this situation. However, If there's enough enmity to keep hate, Januwiyah +1 is the better option for HP.
Machupichu Aegis is the best shield money can buy. plz do ur research >.>
as for this shiled. millions for a slight upgrade when u could very well use those millions on other slots like Cassie Earring. Even saving for ares's Body would be of better use to any PLD.