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防24 魔命+10 コンサーブMP+8 15HPをMPに変換
LV 84 白 黒 赤 召 青 学 GEO
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コメント (5)
Ragnarok.Holyman[Report] スコア: 6
Good for multi-purpose use.
1) triggering sorc. ring .
2) for Aspir/Drain/Stun macc if you don't like using nashira turban or any other haste%.
3) Conserve MP for pro/shell/haste/refresh , such buffs where skill has no effect on the potency of spell.
4) RDM without Duelist's for skill/macc set.
5) SCH has no enfeebling head piece with skill/macc , this is the best for that.
2010-11-19 13:34:54
Fairy.Prometheus[Report] スコア: 2
Amazing piece for dark magic and divine magic since there are so few head options for those.

If 15 HP to MP helps you trigger sorc. ring these days you need to work on your abyssites.
2011-04-16 10:39:46
Valefor.Clairefox[Report] スコア: 1
If only BRD could use this ; ;
2010-11-07 12:53:17
Carbuncle.Asymptotic[Report] スコア: -6
Head Butt!
2010-12-02 04:32:14
Asura.Naoruru 表示 スコア: -11
Nice for RDM if you do not have Duelist's Chapeau, M.Acc will help land enfeebs.
1 M.Acc = 1 Enfeeb skill, roughly.
2010-11-14 00:51:48
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