Anything with DEX, ATT, Acc, is a great WS macro swap piece. This is no exception. Maat's Cap would depend on when it beats this out. On Evis ws, DEX is WSC, nothing else. DEX also helps you meet crit cap vs enemy, DEX plays a role in THF SAWS damage, increasing base weapon DMG, so it's a better piece for these situations. Except a TAEvis; on AGL mods here. However w/RR & Stat Bonuses, you might already be at DEX cap vs mob. Depends.
Apparently wiki lists this as dropping from Yaanei now....
Hes the Caturae on top of the Huge mountain in Abyssea - Attohwa....
Taking that into account, its a hassle to even get to, likely hard as hell to fight, and it wont be a 100% drop like the AF's accessories tend to be from these kind of NMs. A sad day indeed =(