The highest percentage ALL JOBs haste belt (ignoring N.Sash) combined with sTP makes this a sexy belt.
This is pretty much the new rose strap; it will open up some doors to new builds:
* Giving standard xhit builds to jobs without rajas
* Making viable 6hits for low delay 2handed weapons (great swords and some pole arms)
* Making viable 5hits for high delay 2handed weapons (scythes and possibly some great axes or polearms)
* Change the cookie cutter builds for DRG 6hit
* Change the SAM builds
* Potentially have use on RNG xhit builds
* Potentially useful for most 1 handers (except MNK).
Although any one with access to 6 or 7% belt will probably be better off using that (depending on the sacrifices in other slots)
Depending on other gear and difficulty to obtain this could answer the other 5 STP that SAMs will need while using the Masamune and even gain 1% haste over Swift.