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防8 MP+10 ケアル回復量+3% 敵対心-4
LV 80 白
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コメント (6)
Bismarck.Gael[Report] スコア: 16
@Tanshorty : cure potency cap at 50% you know...

(not including healing feather and the Korin obi)
2010-06-22 18:43:36
Cerberus.Mitsukai[Report] スコア: 12
Dropped by Mangy-tailed Marvin in Abyssea - La Theine. A Rabbit NM.
2010-07-04 07:18:10
Siren.Kalilla[Report] スコア: 8
With the two new cure potency items (Hands and cape and 17% cure pot staff) it's now possible to be capped at 50% without aristocrats
2010-06-28 13:52:09
Unicorn.Ninetales[Report] スコア: 3
A shoe-in for best curative cape for WHM.
2010-06-21 19:44:38
Caitsith.Judaine 表示 スコア: -20
2010-06-21 19:03:26
Cerberus.Reimii 表示 スコア: -22
Aristocrat's Coat 12%
Teiwaz (Light path) 15%
Fylgja Torque +1 3%
Selenian Cap 3%
Tatsumaki Sitagoromo 5%
Medicine Ring (with conditions met) 10%
Orison Cape 3%

Potency: 56%
New cap to go for WHMs. I'm personally excited about how we're going to get this lovely item. >.>

(This isn't including Korin Obi/Healing Feather/Dweomer Maul which would make it over 100% potency.)
2010-06-22 07:35:32
スクリーンショット (2)