You can obtain this item by completing a flee time trial in Batallia, Rolanberry or Sauromugue. If you complete the course under a certain time, you're awarded with this. You do NOT need the NQ Bunny Hat to obtain the +1.
Unfortunately it only lasts for 2 minutes, with a 24 hour recast. Unlike the NQ, however, this HQ has unlimited charges.
It looks very cute on all races, even Galka. A good job by SE for a change!
Unfortunately, the movement+ on costume does not stack with movement speed gear.
Equipping and unequipping skadi feet with the costume active makes no difference.
Not -quite- as good as a reliable pair of sprinters, but free and easy for jobs that lack the movement speed.
Tried both Rolanberry and Batallia, and the latter appeared to be FAR easier. The only really difficult Smile Helper was the one that roams the bottom left hand corner of K-6, sometimes he would be almost as far east as the center of the square, making it very difficult to hit the next Helper in time. Good luck!