Will be between the price of a Behemoth hide, and that of a Cerberus hide. 100% drop, 21-24hr pop. Given 2 months the price should be expected to be around 1-1.5m
lol all this 15-80 million prices i am seeing in bazaars atm here on ffxiah.com... come on guys go on with dreaming!! you will never get this money... lol...
Noticed a few Cor's selling these because of the new roll (Bolter's Roll)
being a career cor, i'd never sell these, i dont currently have W legs and you lose Bolter's roll upon att/being attacked, these are pro for any pulling cor.
i can see why cor would need these if u pulling mobs in exp. but why would war mnk or pup possibly need these boots? other then to run slightly faster on big zones
Saddly because of some people who want the latest and greatest these will sell for the current asking price... anybody else remember the 1 mil gold coins when ToAU was released?