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[Legs] All Races
防49 命中+10 攻+10 ストアTP+6 ヘイスト+6% 蹴撃+7 コンビネーション:蹴撃性能アップ
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コメント (3)
Gilgamesh.Djdownysyndrome[Report] スコア: 20
well BH, we had some good times you and i..
2010-09-09 22:08:51
Alexander.Kolossus[Report] スコア: 7
@Djdownsyndrome: That comment almost makes me sad, like I'm saying goodbye to an old friend. >.>;
2011-01-08 07:47:05
Phoenix.Capuchin[Report] スコア: 0
@Khimaira: Actually no, since KA can only proc once per attack round and DA can proc once per punch (twice per attack round).

Not that these legs aren't still fantastic for TP, and it's certainly true that KA (as opposed to not having KA) = extra TP gain. But DA isn't equivalent to KA, and DA would be better from a TP gain perspective.

It's a somewhat common misconception though, and even S-E doesn't always seem to get it (see Ravager's Gorget/Earring giving WAR DA+2/DA+1, and Tantra Necklace/Earring giving MNK KA+2/KA+1).
2011-06-13 00:07:57
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