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防77 HP+65 MP+65 命中+20 攻+20 敵対心+10 敵対心に応じて被ダメージを軽減 コンビネーション:時々被ダメージ吸収
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コメント (5)
Cerberus.Alerith[Report] スコア: 12
At the lowest level of Enmity, you get about -2% PDT.

At the highest level of Enmity you get about -10% PDT.

As was stated before, this does not break the -PDT cap.
2011-09-29 13:10:22
Lakshmi.Numarion[Report] スコア: 1
And I was hoping it would have reflect..
2010-12-07 04:04:20
Fenrir.Nightfyre[Report] スコア: -1
Does not break -DT cap.
2011-05-29 18:04:36
Leviathan.Rynok[Report] スコア: -2
It sounds like the "mitigates dmg. taken based on enmity" effect would infer that the more or less hate you have the less damage you will take. I'm hoping for my pld friends out there that it operates with more rather than less enmity.
2010-12-08 13:40:28
Carbuncle.Lynxblade 表示 スコア: -24
Guess its time to gear pld with a gsword, and make it a dd
2010-12-08 18:21:55
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