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コメント (14)
Carbuncle.Nibu[Report] スコア: 27
wiki.ffo.jp is reporting that the Shaper's Shawl is found by having Zaldon gut Matsya. Source: http://wiki.ffo.jp/html/1338.html
2012-07-24 19:57:09
Cerberus.Eanae[Report] スコア: 8
Most likely comes from "Inside the Belly" from turning in Matsya.
2012-07-24 17:52:54
Quetzalcoatl.Khrnos[Report] スコア: 5
Skill up rate seems to be around the +25% range according to tests on bluegatr.
2012-10-13 17:13:47
Quetzalcoatl.Elysien[Report] スコア: 2
Can't dbox to same pol account/characters. some known gut rates so far in my ls;
2012-08-06 17:19:19
Bahamut.Xindarti[Report] スコア: 2
Right now the price range for Matsya is running between 600k to 1M.

According to Wiki, the rate of the shawl is 1.6%. That means you've got about a 1 in 62.5 chance to get this.

So take the average price of lets say 800k ((1M + 600k)/2), and its going to cost the average player 50M for this shawl.

Depending on your craft style, and level of patience... This is quite a reasonable price tag to push it to the top.
2012-08-28 11:45:51
Alexander.Fatmo[Report] スコア: 1
1/146 success!
For those like me who started the quest with low fishing skill(23.5) + gear & advanced support:
I traded all my matsya without gear/support, except the last time when I finally got it. Still pretty sure it shouldn't matter but with SE who knows...
2012-11-14 10:26:06
Asura.Kmera[Report] スコア: 0
I went 1/13 on shawl. Possibly lucky, possibly SE has increased the drop rate
2024-05-11 08:00:03
Bahamut.Jeannerenault[Report] スコア: 0
An alleged +25% bonus to the base skillup rate sounds nice, but 125% of piss is still piss, and once you get to the point where you actually start needing bonuses to skillup rate, ie. lv71+ for the main craft you chose, the base skillup rate turns to piss. Instead of wasting gil on buying Matsyas, or wasting your Dwarf Pugils/Drill Calamaries/precious time fishing for them yourself, just buy the cheapest mats for easily-spammable high-level recipes you can find and pretend this absolute waste of an inventory slot doesn't exist.
2024-06-22 02:50:10
Phoenix.Tetrey 表示 スコア: -10
Alatana why have you forsaken me!!!
0/117 >.> 1.2% rate my a$$
2013-05-22 18:59:31
Odin.Godofgods 表示 スコア: -11
I find it insulting that the synthing+ equip is obtained by the one "craft" that doesn't involve traditional synthing!
2012-09-14 14:08:56
スクリーンショット (8)