Consolidation Of Sortie NM Info

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Consolidation of Sortie NM Info
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サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: pgrieco
Posts: 12
By Ragnarok.Narce 2023-10-13 16:26:37  
There doesn't appear to be a really solid one-stop spot for a lot of the intricacies of Sortie, so I figured I'd put some things I know, ask for information on the things I don't know, and do by best to maintain this information:

Shards/Metals: Shards are used to access the area A-D's NM through the Diaphanous Gadget for that area, and are gained by defeating 3 non-NMs in those areas while fulfilling certain criteria in areas A, C, and D, and 5 in area B. Defeating another 3 or 5 for the respective area rewards you with the Metal for that area, which will make the NM beyond the Diaphanous Gadget easier to defeat.

Basement Bosses (E-H): These bosses all gain successive damage mitigation to a weapon skill when that weapon skill was the most recent weapon skill that damaged it (Ex: Jinpu > Jinpu > Jinpu would give the boss damage mitigation to Jinpu on the second and third weapon skills. Fast Blade > Burning Blade > Fast Blade would not do this, because there is another weapon skill between the use of Fast Blade and Burning Blade). This mitigation does not go away when another weapon skill is used, and it can gain multiple instances of resistance to multiple weapon skills.


Sector A:
Use a spell targeting a non-NM Abject enemy to defeat it. Magic blood pacts do not count for this purpose. Do this 3/6 times to obtain the Shard/Metal, respectively.

Boss A: Ghatjot
Absorbs water element damage (including from skillchains), which severely increases his offensive strength. Recommended that you avoid using weapon skill that can cause Reverberation/Distortion/Darkness.

Metal: Changes Ghatjot's Taint effect from his moves into Poison.


Sector B:
Use a weapon skill that targets a non-NM Biune prior to defeating it. Do this 5/10 times to obtain the Shard/Metal, respectively.

Boss B: Leshonn
Will start off with either a Thunder effect on one hand, or a Wind effect on the other, correlating to him being in Thunder mode or Wind mode, respectively. Avoid doing damage of the matching element, as this will both heal him and strengthen him. Gains roughly 5% -Damage Taken after using an unnamed attack. Elemental damage and skillchains of the opposite element can proc blue !!, each time counteracting one of his unnamed attack's -DT boost, and has a chance to disable the elemental aura. Avoiding weaponskills that can make Fragmentation or Light is ideal, especially in favor of making Darkness.

Thunder Mode:
Uses Zap, an AoE move that will copy a debuff from itself to all players it hits. It's best to avoid potent debuffs due to this. Will change to Wind Mode when he uses Undulating Shockwave.

Wind Mode:
Uses Chokehold, an AoE move that steals a buff from every player it hits, but this effect can be prevented with WHM's Asylum. Will change to Thunder Mode when he uses Shrieking Gale.

Metal: Prevents the Stun and Gravity effects from Leshonn's melee attacks.


Sector C:
Perform a magic burst on a non-NM Cachaemic enemy before defeating it. Do this 3/6 times to obtain the Shard/Metal, respectively.

Boss C: Skomora

Absorbs darkness damage. Ideal to avoid Darkness skillchains, especially in favor of light. Light damage from spells and skillchains will weaken his Setting the Stage attack that he will use 3 minutes into the fight, each time he receives light damage. Repeatedly casting Dia or Cure on him is a way to quickly stack this kind of damage on him if you are concerned about the fight reaching the three minute mark.

Metal: Changes the Haunted effect from Skomora's abilities into Curse.


Sector D:
Perform a four-step skillchain on a non-NM Demisang enemy before defeating it. Do this 3/6 times to obtain the Shard/Metal, respectively.

Boss D: Degei
Has an elemental type and subsequent weakness depending on his most recently used TP move (he does not have a Wind mode):
Flaming Kick - Fire, weak to Water
Flashflood - Water, weak to Thunder
Icy Grasp - Ice, weak to Fire
Eroding Flesh - Earth, weak to Wind
Fulminous Smash - Thunder, weak to Earth

Use magic of the elemental weakness to proc blue !!. The magic does not need to deal damage; things like Threnody can proc it. When he changes modes, he gains roughly -5% Damage Taken until he is procced, and will retain this buff if he uses another TP move prior to being procced.

Avoid making skillchains with the element of his current mode, as this both heals and strengthens him. Because there are so many modes, it's impossible to stick to either light or dark skillchains, as he can heal from either depending on his mode. Melee can either watch the mode and be careful to not make a skillchain at the inappropriate time, or synchronize their weaponskills so they don't make skillchains together.

Uses Vivisection after three minutes, which generally will defeat any players in range. Proccing blue !! will delay this ability. Unsure if you can delay it longer than an additional 30 seconds through this method, or how long of a delay each proc gives.

Metal: Prevents status effects from Degei's TP moves.


Sector E:
Defeat Esurient Botulus using the following criteria to obtain Sector E's Metal:

Doing ALL of this will get you the plate, but I'm uncertain as to which particular steps are necessary, or if it's perhaps a certain number of them have to be completed. Below is what I feel works, but I would appreciate feedback so there can be solid information available regarding this.

I believe the requirement is that Esurient Botulus must retain aggro on one target for an undetermined amount of time, or perhaps while taking a certain percentage of damage. My experience is that you will not get the chest if Botulus is constantly changing focus to different players.

Some things I can't verify or disprove:
Do a majority of the damage with weaponskills from behind. Skillchain damage does not count as weaponskill damage.
Party members must be within 10 distance when Esurient Botulus is defeated.
Defeat Esurient Botulus by using a weaponskill from behind.
Do a majority of the damage from behind.

Things I believe have been disproven:
All party members must have generated enmity on Esurient Botulus.

Slimy Proposal is an AoE charm that is often resisted by at least one person. It's highly recommended you have someone on stun duty to stop this move. Aside from the spell stun, Light Shot and WSs that stun work very well.

Boss E: Dhartok
Absorbs water element damage (including from skillchains), which severely increases his offensive strength. Recommended that you avoid using weapon skill that can cause Reverberation/Distortion/Darkness.

Attacks and TP moves can inflict Poison or Taint, depending on whether you have the E Metal. Clobbering Wave and Noyade will deal massive amounts of damage to players that are poisoned or have taint, so remove it if possible.

Metal: Changes Dhartok's Taint effect from his moves into Poison.


Sector F:
Defeat Fetid Ixion after breaking its horn for Sector F's Metal.

I currently have no reliable information on how to do this, but it seems there are people that are capable of doing this consistently. Any information would be appreciated.

Repeatedly perform physical weaponskills from the front when Fetid Ixion is under 30%. Personally I have not been able to have any success doing this, even solo using unbuffed, low damage, multi-hit critical weaponskills repeatedly.

Boss F: Gartell
Will start off with either a Thunder effect on one hand, or a Wind effect on the other, correlating to him being in Thunder mode or Wind mode, respectively. Avoid doing damage of the matching element, as this will both heal him and strengthen him. Gains roughly 5% -Damage Taken after using an unnamed attack. Elemental damage and skillchains of the opposite element can proc blue !!, each time counteracting one of his unnamed attack's -DT boost, and has a chance to disable the elemental aura. Avoiding weaponskills that can make Fragmentation or Light is ideal, especially in favor of making Darkness.

Gartell will begin summoning Gyve after 3 minutes. I also believe that dealing matching elemental damage to his current mode can trigger this to start happening earlier, but would like some verification if possible. They will be either Thunder or Wind, and easily distinguished by the color. They will inflict a Shock or Choke effect, as appropriate for the element of the Gyve, that does just under 300 damage/tic, but can be removed. If these are summoned, it's best to move out of range of it.

Thunder Mode:
Uses Zap, an AoE move that will copy a debuff from itself to all players it hits. It's best to avoid potent debuffs due to this. Will change to Wind Mode when he uses Undulating Shockwave.

Wind Mode:
Uses Chokehold, an AoE move that steals a buff from every player it hits, but this effect can be prevented with WHM's Asylum. Will change to Thunder Mode when he uses Shrieking Gale.

Thunder and Wind Mode:
Gartell can go into a mode where he has both elements active at the same time. I don't have any solid information regarding this.

Metal: I have no information as to how this metal impacts the fight with Gartell, but I would speculate at a minimum it at least prevents Stun and Gravity.


Sector G:
Defeat Gyvewrapped Naraka for Sector G's Metal. There does not seem to be any special requirement needed beyond this, though it's possible the condition is just so trivial that you're all but guaranteed to meet them during a normal fight, regardless of setup. I'd be interested in knowing if anyone has ever defeated this and NOT gotten the metal. It does have some nasty TP moves, but is easily stunned. Having someone on Flat Blade duty for this is very effective.

Boss G: Triboulex
Absorbs darkness damage. Ideal to avoid Darkness skillchains, especially in favor of light. Light damage from spells and skillchains will weaken his Setting the Stage attack that he will use 3 minutes into the fight, each time he receives light damage. Repeatedly casting Dia or Cure on him is a way to quickly stack this kind of damage on him if you are concerned about the fight reaching the three minute mark.

Triboulex's Light damage counter resets after each Setting The Stage. The damage of the next Setting The Stage also increases by 1,000.
If he has used Setting The Stage and you wipe, he will open with Setting The Stage on the person who re-aggro's him if they are in range of the move regardless of how much time passed.

Creates fetters on the person with enmity matching either a Fire, Ice, or Water element:
Fire: Amnesia for 10 seconds and Burn -10 HP/tic INT -23 for 30sec.
Ice: Paralyze and Frost -10 HP/tic AGI -23 for 30sec.
Water: Poison -30 HP/tic and Drown -10 HP/tic STR -23 for 30 sec.

The tank can stand slightly over 5 distance away, with melee slightly over 5 distance away on the opposite side, allowing them to stay out of the aura range of the fetters, at the expense of potentially making AoE healing a little more difficult if there is no support between the two to target with AoE healing.

Metal: Changes the Haunted effect from Triboulex's abilities into Curse.


Sector H:
Defeat Haughty Tulittia using the following criteria to obtain Sector H's Metal:

Defeat Haughty Tulittia after doing over 50% damage with indirect damage by using AoE spells and weapon skills targeting other enemies. Personally, I've only been able to get this to work once.

Defeating Haughty Tulittia after doing an unknown number of weapon skills has been proposed as a method, but I've not seem any information regarding this, nor tried it myself.

Any information from people who are able to reliably obtain this would be appreciated.

Boss H: Aita
Has an elemental type and subsequent weakness depending on his most recently used TP move (he does not have a Wind mode):
Flaming Kick - Fire, weak to Water
Flashflood - Water, weak to Thunder
Icy Grasp - Ice, weak to Fire
Eroding Flesh - Earth, weak to Wind
Fulminous Smash - Thunder, weak to Earth

Use magic of the elemental weakness to proc blue !!. The magic does not need to deal damage; things like Threnody can proc it. When he changes modes, he gains roughly -5% Damage Taken until he is procced, and will retain this buff if he uses another TP move prior to being procced.

Avoid making skillchains with the element of his current mode, as this both heals and strengthens him, as well as cause him to use Vivisection prior to the 3 minute mark. Because there are so many modes, it's impossible to stick to either light or dark skillchains, as he can heal from either depending on his mode. Melee can either watch the mode and be careful to not make a skillchain at the inappropriate time, or synchronize their weaponskills so they don't make skillchains together.

Under 50%, begins using elemental fetters of his current elemental alignment on random characters with enmity. These fetters have a wide range (at least 20; I'm not certain if it's beyond that), and will put elemental status ailments on players that do over -200/tic. Using panacea to remove this is advisable to help lessen the load on your healers.

Uses Vivisection after three minutes, which generally will defeat any players in range. Proccing blue !! will delay this ability. I'm unsure if you can delay it longer than an additional 30 seconds through this method, or how long of a delay each proc gives if so.

Metal: I have no information as to how this metal impacts the fight with Aita, but I would speculate at a minimum it at least prevents status effects from his TP moves.


I haven't attempted Aminon and have nothing to personally contribute to this. If someone wants to give information regarding the fight I will add it.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: pgrieco
Posts: 12
By Ragnarok.Narce 2023-10-13 17:46:13  
Any additional information anyone has to contribute would be appreciated, especially information on getting metals from F and H mini-bosses.
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Velner
Posts: 408
By Fenrir.Velner 2023-10-13 17:49:02  
I'll plop our 8-boss melee video and Enraged Aminon video here for reference.

8 Boss:

By Shichishito 2023-10-13 18:20:28  
Ragnarok.Narce said: »
Use a single target magic spell to defeat a non-NM Abject enemy. Do this 3/6 times to obtain the Shard/Metal, respectively.
With BLU magic you get credit for killshots with conal and/or AoE magic for the specific target the spell was cast on, you don't get credit for multiple killshots in one cast though.
I also think Ninjutsu works but SMN elemental avatar bloodpacts like FireIV don't yield credit.

Not sure about other AoE magic.
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Arislan
Posts: 1052
By Shiva.Arislan 2023-10-13 20:12:20  
Requirements for Chest #F: Break its horn by dealing less than 5000 damage in one hit with a weapon skill. This doesn't seem possible while its lightning aura is up. Skillchain damage doesn't count. Then defeat it.

Is this confirmed?
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: pgrieco
Posts: 12
By Ragnarok.Narce 2023-10-13 22:05:07  
Shiva.Arislan said: »
Requirements for Chest #F: Break its horn by dealing less than 5000 damage in one hit with a weapon skill. This doesn't seem possible while its lightning aura is up. Skillchain damage doesn't count. Then defeat it.

Is this confirmed?

I've tried multiple times breaking the horn this way without success. In my experience, it's debunked.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: DethCody
Posts: 32
By Bahamut.Leonof 2023-10-14 00:11:33  
I dont know about verifying it but after making sure that the majority of our dmg was ws from behind, our group hasnt missed the metal on botulus.
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: androwe
Posts: 1201
By Phoenix.Iocus 2023-10-14 08:33:47  
I think the Botulus is just majority WS damage and maybe it has to keep enmity on the same target for 30 seconds continuously.

When we SC and yank hate early we usually have to repop. We do the majority of our damage from behind with Leaden and Sanguine blade to avoid conal moves and to knock back into walls so we avoid gravity being annoying.

You might want to note that basement bosses gain successive damage mitigation to each WS move that is repeated. It's the reason most people either MB or multi-step SC with different WSs.
Posts: 3403
By Taint 2023-10-14 08:55:45  
A list of weapon skill combos for bosses would be a nice addition, but require lots of input/configurations.

Ex. Gartell: WAR Impulse, DRK Fimb, BRD Savage, RDM Black Halo

It’s probably the number one question on each boss in PUGs
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Jinxs
Posts: 535
By Fenrir.Jinxs 2023-10-14 09:43:23  
Taint said: »
A list of weapon skill combos for bosses would be a nice addition, but require lots of input/configurations.

Ex. Gartell: WAR Impulse, DRK Fimb, BRD Savage, RDM Black Halo

It’s probably the number one question on each boss in PUGs

Probably would be best to list potential sc by property
Then have a list based on said property

Gravitation -> Distortion

* fudo
Steel cyclone

Impulse Drive
Asuran fists
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Ahlen
Posts: 234
By Fenrir.Ahlen 2023-10-14 11:51:06  
Ragnarok.Narce said: »
Shiva.Arislan said: »
Requirements for Chest #F: Break its horn by dealing less than 5000 damage in one hit with a weapon skill. This doesn't seem possible while its lightning aura is up. Skillchain damage doesn't count. Then defeat it.

Is this confirmed?

I've tried multiple times breaking the horn this way without success. In my experience, it's debunked.
Ive tested it twice or so what seemed to work was doing multiple WS when he was VERY low HP maybe under 15%. I also believe they need to be phy WS and since you need to do a bunch of ws when low hp you want them to do very little dmg.

For Haughty Tulittia an easy way is to pull it with 1 formor then just AE off the formor once tulittia gets under 50% (maybe 40% to be safe, might take 2-3 formors) just get on the tulittia and kill it.
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: aisukage
Posts: 52
By Shiva.Mewtwo 2023-10-14 16:57:29  
Haughty Tulittia was a confusing one. I first proposed the 50%+ indirect dmg as all other methods on wiki I had personally debunked. what me and my friend did every time to get the drop was to pull a formor with him and my friend would do Sonic Thrust (SAM) and I would do Fell Cleave (DRK). once Tulittia was below 50% we kept going until the current Formor died. then we just killed the Tulittia. We got it to drop every time. Then I proposed the chance of it being so many WS's instead because of 1 simple fact.

When my friend finally finished his Horn. Our AoE's (Fell Cleave and Sonic Thrusts) dmg had nearly doubled with Aria. Even though we did the same thing as we always did to get it to drop. (20+ times in a row by this point) it didn't drop for the next 2 days when we had Aria. After we stopped using Aria at that point and did exactly the same thing the chest dropped again. Which is why I thought maybe it wasn't so much indirect dmg but the amount of WS's actually used on him since doing it this way without aria we would of done so many more WS's than we would normally do when directly damaging him. But I never did any testing on that theory nor did I count how many WS's we actually would do.

We also realised we didn't need that chest to kill Aita easily so in the end we stopped caring about killing Tulittia for the chest and just killed as fast as possible for the extra muffins if we ran passed it.
Posts: 483
By Hopalong 2023-10-14 20:52:40  
You might want to note that basement bosses gain successive damage mitigation to each WS move that is repeated. It's the reason most people either MB or multi-step SC with different WSs.

Does this reset over time, or if you don't consecutive it never builds up?
By Dodik 2023-10-15 07:50:28  
It is consecutive repeated WS, not just repeated.

No, if they are not consecutive and repeated DT is never added.

Also doing a different WS in between resets the DT.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: pgrieco
Posts: 12
By Ragnarok.Narce 2023-10-27 13:59:07  
Updated some information, and had a strange occurrence happen recently (wish I had thought to take a screenshot) where my group killed the basement mini boss for G, Gyvewrapped Naraka, and didn't get the chest to spawn. We rematerialized him, and again didn't get the chest to spawn. Without evidence of this, I'd be pretty skeptical of this if it weren't for the fact that it happened to me. Has anyone else ever experienced this? This would imply that there IS a condition to getting the chest for G, but it's so trivial that everyone just accidentally gets it almost all the time.
Posts: 125
By alamihgo 2023-10-27 14:30:27  
Ragnarok.Narce said: »
Updated some information, and had a strange occurrence happen recently (wish I had thought to take a screenshot) where my group killed the basement mini boss for G, Gyvewrapped Naraka, and didn't get the chest to spawn. We rematerialized him, and again didn't get the chest to spawn. Without evidence of this, I'd be pretty skeptical of this if it weren't for the fact that it happened to me. Has anyone else ever experienced this? This would imply that there IS a condition to getting the chest for G, but it's so trivial that everyone just accidentally gets it almost all the time.
I've been in a few Sorties where meeting chest objectives in a sector did not spawn a KI chest. All was not lost, however, as opening another chest in the same zone granted all due rewards. One such example was "failing" to spawn the boss KI chest in B, then opening the blue chest in B and receiving the boss KI (in chat log and inventory).

Did you spawn the afk box or any other chest objectives in G after the Naraka?
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: pgrieco
Posts: 12
By Ragnarok.Narce 2023-10-27 14:53:09  
alamihgo said: »
Ragnarok.Narce said: »
Updated some information, and had a strange occurrence happen recently (wish I had thought to take a screenshot) where my group killed the basement mini boss for G, Gyvewrapped Naraka, and didn't get the chest to spawn. We rematerialized him, and again didn't get the chest to spawn. Without evidence of this, I'd be pretty skeptical of this if it weren't for the fact that it happened to me. Has anyone else ever experienced this? This would imply that there IS a condition to getting the chest for G, but it's so trivial that everyone just accidentally gets it almost all the time.
I've been in a few Sorties where meeting chest objectives in a sector did not spawn a KI chest. All was not lost, however, as opening another chest in the same zone granted all due rewards. One such example was "failing" to spawn the boss KI chest in B, then opening the blue chest in B and receiving the boss KI (in chat log and inventory).

Did you spawn the afk box or any other chest objectives in G after the Naraka?

I believe we went to the boss, killed him, spawned the chest at the warp back up and left, but there are times when we happen across the warp first, or simultaneously, and when that happens we usually will have someone stare while we start the fight, and they'll get the chest then, so I can't say 100% on that, as I didn't think it relevant enough to note at the time.

You mentioned a chest not spawning, and I've seen two instances upstairs where we killed a mini-NM and didn't get credit, not even gallimaufry. Subsequently respawning these NMs granted gallimaufry and the chest as normal, though, whereas with G metal we did not get it on the respawn -- I didn't think to look to see if we got gallimaufry from either of those kills unfortunately. I'm running a chatlog logger now though, so I'll have some pretty detailed info going forward, but unfortunately this doesn't help with these past runs.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4330
By Cerberus.Kylos 2023-10-27 19:23:40  
I'm currently making a beginner's Sortie guide and am looking for help with Fomor and Leech spawns.

I have seen Leech spawn south of the D device, but it is rare, and it doesn't seem to roam much further than the corridor south of the device. I know it often spawns north of the D device, either in a corridor, or as far north as it can possibly be without going through those doors (it will go through the Acuex door northeast of the start). Other than that, and its common spawn points in A, has anyone seen the Leech roam anywhere else?

As for the Fomor NM, it often either hangs around in a big room, the small room north of D device, the four small (south) rooms, or it wanders around that general area. I know it can spawn very deep in, north of Gadget G. Did a run today and searched all of these areas, but was annoyed that I could not find it. I'd like to ensure I got its whole spawn area covered. Any feedback would be great. Thanks.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Natsuhiko
Posts: 189
By Cerberus.Natsuhiko 2023-10-27 19:31:33  
Cerberus.Kylos said: »
I'm currently making a beginner's Sortie guide and am looking for help with Fomor and Leech spawns.

I have seen Leech spawn south of the D device, but it is rare, and it doesn't seem to roam much further than the corridor south of the device. I know it often spawns north of the D device, either in a corridor, or as far north as it can possibly be without going through those doors (it will go through the Acuex door northeast of the start). Other than that, and its common spawn points in A, has anyone seen the Leech roam anywhere else?

As for the Fomor NM, it often either hangs around in a big room, the small room north of D device, the four small (south) rooms, or it wanders around that general area. I know it can spawn very deep in, north of Gadget G. Did a run today and searched all of these areas, but was annoyed that I could not find it. I'd like to ensure I got its whole spawn area covered. Any feedback would be great. Thanks.

The fomor NM can also wander through the southern part of the start, in the area with acuex.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4330
By Cerberus.Kylos 2023-10-27 19:40:42  
Cerberus.Natsuhiko said: »
Cerberus.Kylos said: »
I'm currently making a beginner's Sortie guide and am looking for help with Fomor and Leech spawns.

I have seen Leech spawn south of the D device, but it is rare, and it doesn't seem to roam much further than the corridor south of the device. I know it often spawns north of the D device, either in a corridor, or as far north as it can possibly be without going through those doors (it will go through the Acuex door northeast of the start). Other than that, and its common spawn points in A, has anyone seen the Leech roam anywhere else?

As for the Fomor NM, it often either hangs around in a big room, the small room north of D device, the four small (south) rooms, or it wanders around that general area. I know it can spawn very deep in, north of Gadget G. Did a run today and searched all of these areas, but was annoyed that I could not find it. I'd like to ensure I got its whole spawn area covered. Any feedback would be great. Thanks.

The fomor NM can also wander through the southern part of the start, in the area with acuex.

Wow, really? That's probably where it was. Will it roam through all four of those small rooms?
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Natsuhiko
Posts: 189
By Cerberus.Natsuhiko 2023-10-27 19:41:45  
Cerberus.Kylos said: »
Cerberus.Natsuhiko said: »
Cerberus.Kylos said: »
I'm currently making a beginner's Sortie guide and am looking for help with Fomor and Leech spawns.

I have seen Leech spawn south of the D device, but it is rare, and it doesn't seem to roam much further than the corridor south of the device. I know it often spawns north of the D device, either in a corridor, or as far north as it can possibly be without going through those doors (it will go through the Acuex door northeast of the start). Other than that, and its common spawn points in A, has anyone seen the Leech roam anywhere else?

As for the Fomor NM, it often either hangs around in a big room, the small room north of D device, the four small (south) rooms, or it wanders around that general area. I know it can spawn very deep in, north of Gadget G. Did a run today and searched all of these areas, but was annoyed that I could not find it. I'd like to ensure I got its whole spawn area covered. Any feedback would be great. Thanks.

The fomor NM can also wander through the southern part of the start, in the area with acuex.

Wow, really? That's probably where it was. Will it roam through all four of those small rooms?

I think so, though I generally see it just cut through there to go to the SW part of D.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4330
By Cerberus.Kylos 2023-10-27 19:46:45  
Cerberus.Natsuhiko said: »
Cerberus.Kylos said: »
Cerberus.Natsuhiko said: »
Cerberus.Kylos said: »
I'm currently making a beginner's Sortie guide and am looking for help with Fomor and Leech spawns.

I have seen Leech spawn south of the D device, but it is rare, and it doesn't seem to roam much further than the corridor south of the device. I know it often spawns north of the D device, either in a corridor, or as far north as it can possibly be without going through those doors (it will go through the Acuex door northeast of the start). Other than that, and its common spawn points in A, has anyone seen the Leech roam anywhere else?

As for the Fomor NM, it often either hangs around in a big room, the small room north of D device, the four small (south) rooms, or it wanders around that general area. I know it can spawn very deep in, north of Gadget G. Did a run today and searched all of these areas, but was annoyed that I could not find it. I'd like to ensure I got its whole spawn area covered. Any feedback would be great. Thanks.

The fomor NM can also wander through the southern part of the start, in the area with acuex.

Wow, really? That's probably where it was. Will it roam through all four of those small rooms?

I think so, though I generally see it just cut through there to go to the SW part of D.

I see. So it wanders from that big room south west of D device, and heads direct to the SW part of D. That is great to know, thanks.

Has anyone got information of where the Leech can roam when it is south of D device?
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Radec
Posts: 132
By Bismarck.Radec 2023-10-27 19:59:09  
Cerberus.Kylos said: »
I'm currently making a beginner's Sortie guide and am looking for help with Fomor and Leech spawns.

I have seen Leech spawn south of the D device, but it is rare, and it doesn't seem to roam much further than the corridor south of the device. I know it often spawns north of the D device, either in a corridor, or as far north as it can possibly be without going through those doors (it will go through the Acuex door northeast of the start). Other than that, and its common spawn points in A, has anyone seen the Leech roam anywhere else?

As for the Fomor NM, it often either hangs around in a big room, the small room north of D device, the four small (south) rooms, or it wanders around that general area. I know it can spawn very deep in, north of Gadget G. Did a run today and searched all of these areas, but was annoyed that I could not find it. I'd like to ensure I got its whole spawn area covered. Any feedback would be great. Thanks.

-Starts in one of [North-of-Start Acuex, Leeches, Far-North Acuex, Hecteyes North, Hecteyes Near A]
-follows the red arrows to end up in the Acuex room north of the start
-I haven't ever personally seen it start in the South Acuex or East Acuex, but imagine it'd path similarly towards the north-of-start room.

-Starts in one of [wind/lightning, earth/dark, fire, ice/water, or umbril]
-Follows blue arrows to end up with Fire elementals

-Starts in one of [Corse, South Ghost, Skeleton, North Ghost]
-follows green arrows to end with Corse

-Starts in one of [Northwest of A, North of D 6-fomor, West of D war/whm/thf, South of C 6-fomor, Far South of C mnk/blm/rdm, Southwest of C war/mnk/thf, Southwest corner whm/blm/rdm/6-fomor]
-follows pink arrows to end up in the WAR WHM THF rooms west of D

Note that pathing only starts the first time you enter that lettered region, and can take a LONG time. Obdella coming from Hecteyes could be more than 30mins to reach the north-of-start acuex area.

It sounds like a lot, but really they're all "Spawns almost anywhere, follows the arrows"
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Natsuhiko
Posts: 189
By Cerberus.Natsuhiko 2023-10-27 20:08:31  
Bismarck.Radec said: »
Cerberus.Kylos said: »
I'm currently making a beginner's Sortie guide and am looking for help with Fomor and Leech spawns.

I have seen Leech spawn south of the D device, but it is rare, and it doesn't seem to roam much further than the corridor south of the device. I know it often spawns north of the D device, either in a corridor, or as far north as it can possibly be without going through those doors (it will go through the Acuex door northeast of the start). Other than that, and its common spawn points in A, has anyone seen the Leech roam anywhere else?

As for the Fomor NM, it often either hangs around in a big room, the small room north of D device, the four small (south) rooms, or it wanders around that general area. I know it can spawn very deep in, north of Gadget G. Did a run today and searched all of these areas, but was annoyed that I could not find it. I'd like to ensure I got its whole spawn area covered. Any feedback would be great. Thanks.

-Starts in one of [North-of-Start Acuex, Leeches, Far-North Acuex, Hecteyes North, Hecteyes Near A]
-follows the red arrows to end up in the Acuex room north of the start
-I haven't ever personally seen it start in the South Acuex or East Acuex, but imagine it'd path similarly towards the north-of-start room.

-Starts in one of [wind/lightning, earth/dark, fire, ice/water, or umbril]
-Follows blue arrows to end up with Fire elementals

-Starts in one of [Corse, South Ghost, Skeleton, North Ghost]
-follows green arrows to end with Corse

-Starts in one of [Northwest of A, North of D 6-fomor, West of D war/whm/thf, South of C 6-fomor, Far South of C mnk/blm/rdm, Southwest of C war/mnk/thf, Southwest corner whm/blm/rdm/6-fomor]
-follows pink arrows to end up in the WAR WHM THF rooms west of D

Note that pathing only starts the first time you enter that lettered region, and can take a LONG time. Obdella coming from Hecteyes could be more than 30mins to reach the north-of-start acuex area.

It sounds like a lot, but really they're all "Spawns almost anywhere, follows the arrows"

I'm not sure how accurate the direction arrows are. I almost always see the fomor head south to the D-11 room along that route. I also think it can head E from that room back to the 4 rooms.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4330
By Cerberus.Kylos 2023-10-27 20:17:46  
I have never seen the leech roaming in the Hecteyes areas, or the far most north Acuex area. Can anyone else confirm that?

I have never seen the Fomor anywhere between the SW room and the four smaller rooms east of there. For me, it is always entering the corridor north of the gadget, and is never in the middle of that big room. Also, I have never seen it go deep in to the middle south room with the BLM, RDM, MNKs.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Natsuhiko
Posts: 189
By Cerberus.Natsuhiko 2023-10-27 20:23:11  
Cerberus.Kylos said: »
I have never seen the leech roaming in the Hecteyes areas, or the far most north Acuex area. Can anyone else confirm that?

Also, I have never seen the Fomor anywhere between the SW room and the four smaller rooms east of there. For me, it is always entering the corridor north of the gadget, and is never in the middle of that big room.

I've seen the leech in hecteyes areas, it can cut through there to get to the device, like on the map. I actually think it can be in those acuex further east, but rarely.

As for the fomor I remember fighting it in that room between the sw room and 4 rooms, but I don't remember which direction it was going. Could be a patched out route or something; this was a while ago.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4330
By Cerberus.Kylos 2023-10-27 20:26:00  
Cerberus.Natsuhiko said: »
Cerberus.Kylos said: »
I have never seen the leech roaming in the Hecteyes areas, or the far most north Acuex area. Can anyone else confirm that?

Also, I have never seen the Fomor anywhere between the SW room and the four smaller rooms east of there. For me, it is always entering the corridor north of the gadget, and is never in the middle of that big room.

I've seen the leech in hecteyes areas, it can cut through there to get to the device, like on the map. I actually think it can be in those acuex further east, but rarely.

As for the fomor I remember fighting it in that room between the sw room and 4 rooms, but I don't remember which direction it was going. Could be a patched out route or something; this was a while ago.

Ok, that is interesting to me. How far in has it been seen in these hecteyes rooms? Only as far as that above map claims? I've never found it there before, but it could explain why, in every blue moon, I struggle to find it til later on.

Edit: I'd like to rule out it ever appearing in the north Acuex rooms like that above map suggests, unless several people can say otherwise. If anyone can state for a fact they have seen the leech in the East Acuex rooms past the Hecteyes, that would be nice to know.

Edit2: I'd also like to rule out that "NMs spawn anywhere and then follow a path". So many times I have seen the Fomor spawn in the WAR WHM THF room and it remains there for the rest of the run. It doesn't take a set path when it spawns there. It just sits in that crowd indefinitely. I've also seen this happen when it spawns in the north PT rooms. Have also seen this happen with the Bhoot, but only if it spawns in the Corse room.
Posts: 483
By Hopalong 2023-10-27 20:40:06  
I like that there's a theory that they follow a path, and general from the outside in. I wonder if its a hypothesis or a theory though. I'm definitely going to change my solo runs up a bit to go immediately south and around the map to catch the nms and not go for Ghakjot right at the start and hope it works.

On another note. I struggled at first to kill Ghakjot at first without the metal since it drops the aoe damage or can clear poison stacks faster or something, but the other day I went in without the metal with the question that if I kill under 3 min it would be ok and I killed it without death. The poison did kill me after the fight because I couldn't access antidote in satchet fast enough, can antidote clear the poison without metal? If I could not have to *** wait on Shantotto to magic kill leeches for metal it would save 10-15min.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4330
By Cerberus.Kylos 2023-10-27 20:43:52  
Hopalong said: »
I like that there's a theory that they follow a path, and general from the outside in. I wonder if its a hypothesis or a theory though. I'm definitely going to change my solo runs up a bit to go immediately south and around the map to catch the nms and not go for Ghakjot right at the start and hope it works.

On another note. I struggled at first to kill Ghakjot at first without the metal since it drops the aoe damage or can clear poison stacks faster or something, but the other day I went in with the question that if I kill under 3 min it would be ok and I killed it without death. The poison did kill me after the fight because I couldn't access antidote in satchet fast enough, can antidote clear the poison without metal? If I could not have to *** wait on Shantotto to magic kill leeches for metal it would save 10-15min.

My belief is some spawns are static, so the NMs remain in the room they spawned in, while other spawns patrol their routes. I have left NMs alone after finding them early in a run. Gone to do basement stuff, and many other things, only to return to find them sitting exactly where they were 40 minutes ago.
Posts: 3403
By Taint 2023-10-27 20:56:21  
Hopalong said: »
I like that there's a theory that they follow a path, and general from the outside in. I wonder if its a hypothesis or a theory though. I'm definitely going to change my solo runs up a bit to go immediately south and around the map to catch the nms and not go for Ghakjot right at the start and hope it works.

On another note. I struggled at first to kill Ghakjot at first without the metal since it drops the aoe damage or can clear poison stacks faster or something, but the other day I went in without the metal with the question that if I kill under 3 min it would be ok and I killed it without death. The poison did kill me after the fight because I couldn't access antidote in satchet fast enough, can antidote clear the poison without metal? If I could not have to *** wait on Shantotto to magic kill leeches for metal it would save 10-15min.

Need metal, if doing Shantotto method use Acuex she nukes the hard.
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