Remove All Afterglow Effects Mod

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Remove all Afterglow effects mod
Posts: 4257
By RadialArcana 2021-01-29 19:31:49  
Made this for my own use months ago but thought I would post it incase anyone else wanted to use it.

It removes all afterglow effects from REMA, I made it to try lower some of the lag associated with the glowing effects from them in populated areas. Can be used on alts if you know how to setup different overlays for different characters etc. These aren't mods as such, they are just vanilla file swaps. It swaps original REMA files in place of every glow REMA, everything functional remains the same on the weapons these are just visual model files.

This replaces every afterglow version of every rema (main and offhand) with the non glowing original versions.

Can either use it as normal, dropping it into xipivot folder or as I do:

Drop the "lagfix" folder into the XIpivot/data/DATs folder as a separate additional folder, so it's easy to turn off individually from other mods.

Then go into xipivot settings.xml and add LAGFIX to overlays.

So <overlays>LAGFIX,FFXI-HD</overlays>

It will now load the mods from those two folders, if you want to turn this one off just delete LAGFIX from overlay in settings and it won't load it again until you change it.
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