Hybrid Spirit Pacts

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Hybrid Spirit Pacts
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Garota
Posts: 251
By Ragnarok.Garota 2015-03-10 20:32:23  
This is a paragraph about stuff and junk why this is a good idea, blahblah blah, and because Cait Sith was such a disappointment. Also, the Blood Pact Delay -5 Gift from 100 Job Points was rather underwhelming compared to other jobs.

These Hybrid Spirits will only be castable by Lv99 SMN with the prerequisite of um, something which I have no clue of yet. None of the spirits will have a Favor linked to them, similar to current spirits. They will also have a perpetuation cost comparable to Celestial Avatars. The time required to cast a Hybrid Spirit will be equal to Avatars and not Spirits.

The Hybrid Spirits would behave similarly to the current Elemental Spirits, when engaged, they will cast offensive spells when they have been assaulted on a target or auto-assaulted due to aggro. The spells would be based on their element type and the tiers would scale up to V and they will also cast area of effect spells (-aja). Differing from typical Spirits, when passive, these will cast Enhancing Black and White Magic spells on themselves. Another distinguishing feature compared to typical Spirits, these hybrids will use Blood Pacts based on the actual hybrids' abilities. Hybrid Spirits will not have any Ward based Blood Pacts. Under the effect of Astral Flow, they will not gain additional Blood Pacts.

Elemental Siphon may be used while these spirits have been summoned. The amount of MP recovered will depend on both the weather and day just like current spirits, with the added benefit and disadvantage of having dual elemental properties. For example, on Darksday and double Sandstorm weather, the Brygen Spirit will benefit most from using Elemental Siphon compared to either Dark Spirit or Earth Spirit. Because of these elemental properties, Baelfyr and Ungeweder will both suffer penalties from using Elemeltal Siphon during said Day and Weather conditions, if using Gefryst, there will be no benefits nor penalties received for using Elemental Siphon under the aforementioned conditions.

Baelfyr Spirit

When passive this spirit will work similarly to the current Light Spirit, due to it's tendency to cast spells randomly such as Cure VI, Protect V and Shell V, Curaga V, Haste II, and MAYBE even Regen V (Although I suppose Regen II should suffice). Those enhancing spells will have priority over the following spells:

Enlight, Enfire, Blaze Spikes, Stoneskin, Blink, Aquaveil

The following offensive spells will be cast at random when assaulted on an enemy target:

Banishga III, Dia III, Banish IV
Burn, Addle, Fire V, Firaga III, Firaja, Flare II

The two following Blood Pact: Rage will be exclusive to the Baelfyr Spirit only:

  • Blinding Fulgor - 15' Area Light damage centered on Spirit. Additional effect: Flash

  • Searing Tempest - 15' Area Fire damage centered on Spirit. Additional effect: 25 HP Burn

Byrgen Spirit

When passive this spirit will cast the following enhancing spells on itself:

Endrain, Enstone, Dread Spikes, Stoneskin

The following offensive spells will be cast at random when assaulted on an enemy target:

Sleepga II, Bio III, Stun, Dispel, Drain II, Aspir II, all Absorb spells
Rasp, Slow II, Break/Petrify, Stone V, Stonega III, Stoneja, Quake II

The two following Blood Pact: Rage will be exclusive to the Byrgen Spirit only:

  • Tenebral Crush - 15' Area Dark damage centered on Spirit. Additional effect: Knockback

  • Entomb - 15' Area Earth damage centered on Spirit. Additional effect: Petrify

Gefyrst Spirit

When passive this spirit will cast the following enhancing spells on itself:

Enwater, Enblizzard, Aquaveil, Ice Spikes

The following offensive spells will be cast at random when assaulted on an enemy target:

Drown, Poison III, Water V, Waterga III, Waterja, Flood II
Frost, Paralyze II, Blizzard V, Blizzaga III, Blizzaja, Freeze II

The two following Blood Pact: Rage will be exclusive to the Gefyrst Spirit only:

  • Spectral Floe - 15' Area Water damage centered on Spirit. Additional effect: Terror

  • Scouring Spate - 15' Area Ice damage centered on Spirit. Additional effect: Paralyze

Ungeweder Spirit

When passive this spirit will cast the following enhancing spells on itself:

Enaero, Enthunder, Blink, Shock Spikes

The following offensive spells will be cast at random when assaulted on an enemy target:

Silence, Choke, Gravity II, Aero V, Aeroga III, Aeroja, Tornado II
Shock, Stun, Thunder V, Thundaga III, Thundaja, Burst II

The two following Blood Pact: Rage will be exclusive to the Ungeweder Spirit only:

  • Silent Storm - 15' Area Wind damage centered on Spirit. Additional effect: Gravity and Silence

  • Anvil Lightning - 15' Area Thunder damage centered on Spirit. Additional effect: Stun

The names of the the aforementioned abilities and the additional effects are based on observations from playing with Escalents in Yorcia Skirmish II. The enemy Hybrid Elementals in game use their special ability attacks when enough TP has been accumulated, the Hybrid Spirits will however be able to use the abilities through the use of Blood Pact Rage. The amount of damage dealt would be modified by TP and by the Summoner's equipment, for example Pet: MAB+, Blood Pact Damage+, and Avatar: TP Bonus. On the contrary, the duration of the additional effects will be based on Summoning Skill and Pet: Magic Accuracy+ on the Summoner's Equipment.

As previously mentioned, all spells would be cast randomly by the Spirit, summoning skill affect "the spirit's AI and will shorten time between spells casts" just like current spirits. All Blood Pacts will have the same MP cost of... 250? MP, except when under the effect of Apogee. All Blood Pacts will (not?) have skill chain properties.

Although this is only a completely hypothetical implementation, I'd like to know what you guys think. If you have any other reasonable ideas or suggestions, let me know and I might just add them onto the post.
By 2015-03-10 21:07:21
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Posts: 761
By Elizabet 2015-03-10 21:48:46  
Cool Idea in form, not sure how well in practice that would do though. An idea I had a while back about regular spirits would be to add a new type of reverse favors on spirits. Here's the idea...

Spirit's Fury: (Job Ability on the Smn)
When used, a summoned elemental spirit goes into an elemental fury.

How it works:
  • Summon a spirit out as a pet and using Sprit's Fury: Puts the current Spirit into it's fury mode.

  • Having a Fury'd Spirit out and using Spirit's Fury again un-summons it.

Fury mode Details:
  • The spirit will remian at location where it was when Spirit's Fury is used and no longer moves.

  • The Spirit would not cast any of it's spells but just afflict Ennemies in range with it's fury.

  • The Spirit under Spirit's Fury no longer respond to pet commands and thus, you can summon an Avatar when the spirit is furied. (but not another spirit)

  • You'd still have to pay both Perp cost however, the Spirit's Perp cost is halved under Spirit's Fury. (weather / day equipment still works in regards to the spirit and the avatar sepperatly)

  • Avatars are strenghten by the spirit of the same element summonned under Spirit's Fury. (+15% Element aligned Stat, +5% other stats)

  • Spirit's summoned under Spirit's Fury can still be used for Elemental Siphon.

Furies: (Ideas... leaving actual numbers out ... w/e is balanced)
  • Fire Fury: Ennemies Phys. Dmg Taken +%Smn_Skill_Function

  • Earth Fury: Ennemies Phys. Dmg Dealt -%Smn_Skill_Function

  • Ice Fury: Ennemies Mag. Dmg Taken +%Smn_Skill_Function

  • Water Fury: Ennemies Mag. Dmg Dealt -%Smn_Skill_Function

  • Wind Fury: Ennemies afflicted have increased chance to be critically hit by %Smn_Skill_Function

  • Thunder Fury: Ennemies afflicted have a chance (%Smn_Skill_Function) to be stunned when hit.

  • Light Fury: Ennemies gain less TP by being hit

  • Dark Fury: Ennemies TP move / Casting takes longer to activate

In short, it would allow us to use spirits sort of like Luopans.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Crevox
Posts: 366
By Asura.Crevox 2015-03-10 22:01:51  
You have Entomb listed twice.

Besides that, you certainly seem to enjoy theorycrafting.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Garota
Posts: 251
By Ragnarok.Garota 2015-03-11 01:06:25  
Oopsie! Thanks for catching that! Fixed.
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: valli
Posts: 1420
By Quetzalcoatl.Valli 2015-03-11 02:23:07  
Couldn't possibly care less about SMN, but, not bad. Threw a + on it, and a bump.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
By Bismarck.Leneth 2015-03-11 04:14:07  
What would be the added purpose of these spirits?

Old spirits were only used when you needed a quick cast to gain distance and now only for Siphon.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Garota
Posts: 251
By Ragnarok.Garota 2015-03-11 09:03:11  
I suppose the main purpose I was aiming toward would be that SMN would finally have AoE damage aside from Astral Flows, which are completely MP inefficient, Ramuh's Thunderspark, which is a Level 19 Blood Pact, and Can't Sith's Level ? Holy, which is unreliable for dealing consistent damage. But thanks for the Siphon idea.
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 87
By Phoenix.Rumblepakk 2015-03-11 12:52:11  
It would be cool if they gave us some ability where we had to summon one elemental spirit, use the ability, then summon the other half of these new spirits element and it would turn into one of these (so summon air spirit, use the ability, summon thunder while the air spirit is out, and then theyll turn into the ungeweder)

and then youll have control of their BPs and whatnot :O
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Garota
Posts: 251
By Ragnarok.Garota 2015-03-11 13:36:21  

You mean something kinda like this, Rumblepakk? :D
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Pergatory
Posts: 1350
By Asura.Pergatory 2015-03-11 18:19:48  
The fury idea is interesting, kinda turns it into a luopan. I could see uses for that.

What I'd really love is if they gave us BPs to force the spirit to cast a specific spell next, even if it used the BP Ward/Rage timers. Without having stuff like weapons that add 200 magic damage, our spells would still be considerably weaker than proper mages so I don't see this being a balance issue.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Garota
Posts: 251
By Ragnarok.Garota 2015-03-11 18:24:03  
Commanding a Spirit's Spells has ALWAYS been a lifelong dream for myself and probably every other SMN out there. I've only lucky to once get a Proc in Voidwatch for Black Elemental Magic with my Water Spirit's random Poison spell.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Pergatory
Posts: 1350
By Asura.Pergatory 2015-03-12 16:35:06  
lol I remember proccing once with a spirit too. I think it was an Ice Spirit casting Blizzard IV. It was the only time I ever pulled it off, and I was giddy for like an hour. "Did you guys see that?! You said we needed a BLM!" "Shut up Perg, we had to hold it at 10% for you"
By 2015-03-12 16:41:56
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サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 87
By Phoenix.Rumblepakk 2015-03-13 11:45:40  
Ragnarok.Garota said: »

You mean something kinda like this, Rumblepakk? :D

Haha yea but instead of both of them being out, the first spirit you had out will disappear and the one with both elements combined will come out
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