Cure Casting Set

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Cure casting set
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Posts: 51
By Ehleni 2013-12-16 14:55:21  
Hey guys

I'm fairly new to WHM and I've started to build on my sets.

For my cure casting set I currently have 35% + merits and I notice that when using scripts with 1 sec delay I cast in my precast set and not my midcast set.

I tried using spellcast before but 9/10 times some gear would not get swapped. Tried changing the delays but never got it right. Even tried to use other peoples templates that worked for them but not for me.

Do you guys have a curecasting set or do you skip this? Feel like a waste of money to spend like 10 mil for something you can't use to the fullest.
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Rairin
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2013-12-16 14:59:23  
if you use a packet based plugin, you can get precision for any spell >= .4s effective casttime(so at capped 80% fast cast, spells lower than 2 seconds will be inaccurate).. gearswap on windower and suitmeupscotty on ashita are both capable of this functionality and i should have an ashita plugin that takes a more familiar xml file out soon

if you're going below that, you should consider either dropping fast cast or wearing some casttime in your cure set(cure clogs, medala cape fit in pretty easily and you should already be using orison legs.. add on merits and you can make a build that has capped potency, capped enmity reduction, and capped fast cast all in one)
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: onagh
Posts: 3189
By Cerberus.Conagh 2013-12-16 15:03:31  
Leviathan.Comeatmebro said: »
if you use a packet based plugin, you can get precision for any spell >= .4s effective casttime(so at capped 80% fast cast, spells lower than 2 seconds will be inaccurate).. gearswap on windower and suitmeupscotty on ashita are both capable of this functionality and i should have an ashita plugin that takes a more familiar xml file out soon

if you're going below that, you should consider either dropping fast cast or wearing some casttime in your cure set(cure clogs, medala cape fit in pretty easily and you should already be using orison legs.. add on merits and you can make a build that has capped potency, capped enmity reduction, and capped fast cast all in one)

Suitup came out to replace "Scotty" and already does this as standard.
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Onorgul
Posts: 3621
By Shiva.Onorgul 2013-12-16 15:25:46  
With addons like this, who needs to play the game?
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: onagh
Posts: 3189
By Cerberus.Conagh 2013-12-16 15:35:06  
Shiva.Onorgul said: »
With addons like this, who needs to play the game?

People have used these for years, the game was originally designed not to gear swap, do you swap gear? Then you don't play the game as it was intended, did SE add a function to the game mechanics that allow you to swap gear and then 0.2 seconds later process the rest of your gear? No because they added 6 slots per macro, then tried to catch up by adding commands the link macros to be more like windower.

This still requires the player to be actively involved though, but can you imagine a WHM in a 50% potency set, with some refresh with no idle set or Limited fast cast, fighting Tojil and dieing because the WHM can't gear swap fast enough using POL?

No saying you can't on POL but the job is some what intensive in there on WHM. I used to manage fine on XBOX but FPS lag and stuff on XBOX in Adoulin while in the UK forced my hand :/
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Aikawa
Posts: 373
By Asura.Aikchan 2013-12-16 15:35:27  
It is possible to make a set w/ 50% cure pot and -60-75%(depending on body)cure casting

and @Onorgut so you manually change your gear before casting any spell? coz even SE Macros do that If know how to...
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: onagh
Posts: 3189
By Cerberus.Conagh 2013-12-16 15:40:21  
Asura.Aikchan said: »
It is possible to make a set w/ 50% cure pot and -60-75%(depending on body)cure casting

and @Onorgut so you manually change your gear before casting any spell? coz even SE Macros do that If know how to...

True! but then Refresh per tic / Bar Spell Sets (this ones sorta important) Enhancing set for Boost Spells (+25 Stat is always nice),
enfeebling set?!

You can do it with POL macros while using a controller, its just makes you stupid busy though and you have to be far better at anticipating moves to manage Cures.

That said, have people never met a useless WHM?

Anything that makes the job easier to play, and more enjoyable is always a Plus in my mind.
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Onorgul
Posts: 3621
By Shiva.Onorgul 2013-12-16 15:44:04  
Cerberus.Conagh said: »
Shiva.Onorgul said: »
With addons like this, who needs to play the game?

People have used these for years, the game was originally designed not to gear swap, do you swap gear? Then you don't play the game as it was intended, did SE add a function to the game mechanics that allow you to swap gear and then 0.2 seconds later process the rest of your gear? No because they added 6 slots per macro, then tried to catch up by adding commands the link macros to be more like windower.

This still requires the player to be actively involved though, but can you imagine a WHM in a 50% potency set, with some refresh with no idle set or Limited fast cast, fighting Tojil and dieing because the WHM can't gear swap fast enough using POL?

No saying you can't on POL but the job is some what intensive in there on WHM. I used to manage fine on XBOX but FPS lag and stuff on XBOX in Adoulin while in the UK forced my hand :/
I get this. I have played White Mage and am rather obsessive with my macros and multiple gear-sets. There are genuine limitations (6 macro lines in a gear-swap game is outrageous), but relying on packet-reading and such... I've watched Cure-bots in action and I find them disturbingly similar to this stuff. I don't see the point in automation.

If you want to make full use of both Fast Cast and potency, it takes two macros, fast fingers, and possibly a few prayers to the gods of ping (which affects automatic play, too). I've been doing it since 2004 back when I was finding ways to make 6 macro lines work. Only reason I see for someone to need to automate every action is if they're running 3+ characters at once.

Anyone remember Avesta? Only advantage he had was being 5 feet from the server, the rest was pure FFXI.
Posts: 122
By Dantedmc 2013-12-16 15:59:37  
If you idle in precast gear you can use a midcast delay of 0. You lose a little refresh and most of your pdt though, but whm usually isn't getting hit.
Posts: 51
By Ehleni 2013-12-16 16:03:23  
Ahh ok so if I understand correctly. If get under the 2 second cast time I should consider using cast time gear in my cure casting gear?

The items I use is:

Acesco - 10%
Nefer - 10%
Cure Clogs - 15%
Gendewitha caubeen augumented with 2%
+ merits - 20%

Total: 57%

Which is about 1 second cast time for single cures. Should I get rid of some gear perhaps so I don't get under the 2 second cap?

Do you guys use spellcast or scripts to gearswap?

Thanks for the great input so far.
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Motenten
Posts: 764
By Fenrir.Motenten 2013-12-16 17:10:36  
Or build a set that doesn't require any midcast gear swaps (ie: precast only). A couple vaguely near-ideal sets (Solace up and Solace down/curaga):

ItemSet 309873

54% Cure potency, 82% cast time reduction (including merits, and assuming max Genbu's Shield augments), and a fair bit of -enmity.

If you don't have Litany Clogs (as they're bloody rare right now; I still need to find a pair myself), you can use Cure Clogs + Orison Earring, which gives you a bit of leeway to use the NQ Theophany Cap and a middling-augmented Genbu's Shield, or a Sors Shield.

ItemSet 311427

51% Cure potency, 87% cast time reduction (including merits, and assuming max Genbu augments). Lots of leeway to drop cast time gear in favor of other stats. Without Litany Clogs you'd probly go with Bokwus Gloves, drop the Roundel, and maybe use Gendewitha feet for Mnd+Haste.

Both sets also include 5% instant cast. If you end up a little bit short of 80% you can use an Incantor Stone instead of Impatiens. Also remember that if you're healing in Adoulin areas, Ionis gives another 3% fast cast.

Edit: Oh, and it also completely ignores subjob. Light Arts will be multiplicative with the above, but if you /rdm then you can drop 15% from gear-based fast cast needed.
Posts: 51
By Ehleni 2013-12-16 18:54:49  
Well I got Gendewitha caubeen augumented with 2% which is kinda like NQ Theo cap. Litany clogs look really interesting, but yeah gonna take a while before I get that.

Is it OK to cure in gear that only gives cure casting time? seems like a waste of slots to cure with cure clogs. Or perhaps cure is effective enough with the reduced amount of cure casting.

Below there's a set that I can start to work on. Most of the stuff I already have.

ItemSet 314342

When I get the WKR wand and genbus shield I can get rid of some items and replace with other items that increase the cure amount. Bokwus is probably the most difficult piece for me right now. I've never done delve or obtain plasm.

With that set I'll get cure casting 74% and cure potency 50%. According to cure calculator I will drop a Cure V for 1101
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Motenten
Posts: 764
By Fenrir.Motenten 2013-12-16 19:46:07  
Is it OK to cure in gear that only gives cure casting time?

Well, it's not 'just' cure casting time. Priority is 50% potency, then max cure cast time, then any cure stats (skill/mnd/vit) and -enmity.

Edit: Misread/misunderstood what you were saying. Conclusion is still the same though; yes, it's fine.

When you run the numbers you'll find that any +stat for healing (skill/mnd/vit) really has a very small effect on final cure output. The vast majority of that comes from the job's skill itself, while the most important gear stat is cure potency. Even 15+ points of mnd (eg: Gendewitha feet) isn't really going to affect the total by more than a couple points of HP cured.

The end result is that optimizing for precast+midcast sets where lag and delays can hinder effectiveness is really more trouble than it's worth.

Anyway, for your set:

Cure potency: 24% (staff), 10% (head), 10% (body), 2% (ear), 4% (cape) = 50%, so fine there.

Cast time: 2% (head), 10% (neck), 2% (ear), 10% (body), 7% (hands), 3% (waist), 12% (legs), 15% (feet), 20% (merits) = 81%, so you've reached cap.

Of course that leaves you without being able to use Orison body. Not a huge loss, but annoying. Can eventually work it back in as you upgrade the set.
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Fosco
Posts: 70
By Leviathan.Fosco 2013-12-17 13:24:33  
Ehleni said: »
With that set I'll get cure casting 74% and cure potency 50%. According to cure calculator I will drop a Cure V for 1101
I'd suggest focusing on Cure III/IV numbers more than V.
III/IV are your "bread and butter" spells.
V/VI are panic spells. ;)
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Pergatory
Posts: 1361
By Asura.Pergatory 2013-12-18 17:30:59  
I strongly disagree with curing in your cast time set. I think a better compromise is to idle in your precast gear.

To make that work you must realize that <wait> works with increments small than 1 second. At -80% cast time, most Cures take right around half a second, so I use <wait 0.3> in my macros.

So for example, here's my idle set:

ItemSet 300937

Note that it has a lot of precast in it. My cure macro is:
/ma Cure <stpc> <wait 0.3>
/console exec WHM/cure.txt

Which swaps me into my cure build which is full potency:

ItemSet 94432

This gets me the best of both worlds. I have 5 MP refresh in idle, which tends to be more than enough (if I need more, I sometimes use Heka's set, or Gendewitha Bliaut with a refresh hairpin), I have capped cure cast, and tons of fast cast for non-cure spells, and I have no compromise in cure potency. Not only that, but I don't need a precast delay that slows down my casting, because I'm already in my precast gear.

Edit: Also for the record since I see "capped potency" being tossed around in this thread, potency caps at 51.2% not at 50%. So while technically you're not capped until you hit 52%, 51% is the practical number to shoot for.
Posts: 51
By Ehleni 2013-12-20 08:59:53  
To make that work you must realize that <wait> works with increments small than 1 second. At -80% cast time, most Cures take right around half a second, so I use <wait 0.3> in my macros.

I had no idea that you could use 0.3 values in wait. I'm gonna try this. There are still some pieces I need to be able to get full potency but it would be cool to try it out.
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Motenten
Posts: 764
By Fenrir.Motenten 2013-12-20 14:20:15  
Asura.Pergatory said: »
Edit: Also for the record since I see "capped potency" being tossed around in this thread, potency caps at 51.2% not at 50%. So while technically you're not capped until you hit 52%, 51% is the practical number to shoot for.

That's a rather interesting claim. I've never seen anyone make it before. Needs testing before it's believable.

Taru whm/rdm
Base mnd: 91
Base vit: 80
Healing skill: 424

Have sufficient equipment on me to hit 76% cure potency, well above either supposed cap.

Arka IV
Gendewitha Caubeen (+4% augment)
Roundel Earring
Orison Earring
Heka's Kalasiris
Bokwus Gloves
Orison Cape
Spiral Ring [adjustment for vit]

Including all potency gear, I'm at +50 mnd and +29 vit. Seeing if I can hit that exact amount without any cure potency on. ... Achieved with Gendewitha hands and legs, plus Swith Cape (+50 mnd, +30 vit). Vit/4 is the same for each setup, so they have the same cure power.

Testing cure amounts with +50 mnd and no potency.

Cure: 61
Cure II: 136
Cure III: 304
Cure IV: 568
Cure V: 726

Now putting on the cure potency gear:

Cure: 91
Cure II: 204
Cure III: 456
Cure IV: 852
Cure V: 1089

Potential multiplier margins:

Cure: 1.492 - 1.508
Cure II: 1.500 - 1.507
Cure III: 1.500 - 1.503
Cure IV: 1.500 - 1.501
Cure V: 1.500 - 1.501

So in all cases, exactly +50% is a valid value. In no case are they anywhere near +51.2%. Therefore your claim appears to be false.

However you might be asserting that to hit an actual +50% potency you need more than +50% in gear, similar to how haste uses fractions of /1024. This is a potential, though not universal mechanic. Fast cast and crit rates work on exact percentages, whereas haste, MDT, and spell interrupt rates work on on binary fraction.

Tamaxchi + Bokwus Gloves + Heka's gives exactly +50% cure potency, along with +35 mnd and +8 vit. Nahtirah Hat + Soothsayer Staff gives +35 mnd and +17 vit. Adding Iximulew Cape to the potency set for +16 total vit, keeping vit/4 equal.

No potency:

Cure: 60
Cure II: 135
Cure III: 302
Cure IV: 564
Cure V: 723

With +50% potency, actual cured vs target amount for a full +50%:

Cure: 90 [90]
Cure II: 202 [202]
Cure III: 453 [453]
Cure IV: 846 [846]
Cure V: 1084 [1084]

From which we can see that +50% was achieved with 50% potency in gear in all cases, meaning the gear wasn't fractionally below projected values (such as how haste works). That means that the other possible interpretation of your assertion is also false.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Pergatory
Posts: 1361
By Asura.Pergatory 2013-12-20 15:38:18  
I'll have to do some testing to get some proof, but I'm certain I'm correct. I did some testing previously where I had 50% potency from equipment, and swapping from Novia Earring to Orison Earring (going from 50% to 52%) increased my Cure value noticeably. So either your testing is wrong, or Orison Earring has some hidden stats.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Ghishlain
Posts: 1081
By Ragnarok.Ghishlain 2013-12-20 15:48:08  
I've done the cure test before as well, you can find my results here:

Sorry, it does cap at 50%. If it didn't, I'd have a slightly higher result versus the numbers found on the calculator.
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 20
By Leviathan.Multiabuse 2013-12-21 05:47:16  
Ehleni said: »
Well I got Gendewitha caubeen augumented with 2% which is kinda like NQ Theo cap. Litany clogs look really interesting, but yeah gonna take a while before I get that.

Is it OK to cure in gear that only gives cure casting time? seems like a waste of slots to cure with cure clogs. Or perhaps cure is effective enough with the reduced amount of cure casting.

Below there's a set that I can start to work on. Most of the stuff I already have.

ItemSet 314342

When I get the WKR wand and genbus shield I can get rid of some items and replace with other items that increase the cure amount. Bokwus is probably the most difficult piece for me right now. I've never done delve or obtain plasm.

With that set I'll get cure casting 74% and cure potency 50%. According to cure calculator I will drop a Cure V for 1101

Only because it isn't clear in the above if this is your cast-time only or your intended potency set, I would suggest using the Orison Bliaud +2 for single target cures and find potency elsewhere. The additional stoneskin from "Enhances Afflatus Solace" should not be overlooked: it is quite substantial - especially on higher tier cures.

50% potency can be obtained easily these days in a wide variety of gear choices. I use Tamaxchi/Genbu's, Gendewitha Caubeen, and Bokwus Gloves. Although the body (for single target cures only) and legs are locked to Orison +2, the rest you can choose according to your budget, determination, and immediate availability of items. I know you weren't specifically asking for potency sets, but being a new WHM you will find quickly that knowledge of encounters and ability to anticipate enemy moves is vastly more important than a few percentage points of cure cast time reduction.

Ghishlain above has a very in-depth and well written guide on all things WHM (linked in his post). His advice is timeless and will serve you well for as long as you play the job. Best of luck and welcome to the club.
Posts: 51
By Ehleni 2013-12-23 17:22:47  
Leviathan.Multiabuse said: »
Ehleni said: »
Well I got Gendewitha caubeen augumented with 2% which is kinda like NQ Theo cap. Litany clogs look really interesting, but yeah gonna take a while before I get that.

Is it OK to cure in gear that only gives cure casting time? seems like a waste of slots to cure with cure clogs. Or perhaps cure is effective enough with the reduced amount of cure casting.

Below there's a set that I can start to work on. Most of the stuff I already have.

ItemSet 314342

When I get the WKR wand and genbus shield I can get rid of some items and replace with other items that increase the cure amount. Bokwus is probably the most difficult piece for me right now. I've never done delve or obtain plasm.

With that set I'll get cure casting 74% and cure potency 50%. According to cure calculator I will drop a Cure V for 1101

Only because it isn't clear in the above if this is your cast-time only or your intended potency set, I would suggest using the Orison Bliaud +2 for single target cures and find potency elsewhere. The additional stoneskin from "Enhances Afflatus Solace" should not be overlooked: it is quite substantial - especially on higher tier cures.

50% potency can be obtained easily these days in a wide variety of gear choices. I use Tamaxchi/Genbu's, Gendewitha Caubeen, and Bokwus Gloves. Although the body (for single target cures only) and legs are locked to Orison +2, the rest you can choose according to your budget, determination, and immediate availability of items. I know you weren't specifically asking for potency sets, but being a new WHM you will find quickly that knowledge of encounters and ability to anticipate enemy moves is vastly more important than a few percentage points of cure cast time reduction.

Ghishlain above has a very in-depth and well written guide on all things WHM (linked in his post). His advice is timeless and will serve you well for as long as you play the job. Best of luck and welcome to the club.

Well that's my current healing set. I'm currently working on getting Tamaxchi and I did Yumcax the other day but we wiped of course =/. As mentioned before, getting plasm is probably gonna be the toughest part. I have never gotten any plasm and I'm not entirely sure on how to get it. The only way I know is Delve and I've heard that there are other ways.

The rest is fairly easy to get.

Thanks for all the great posts!
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: onagh
Posts: 3189
By Cerberus.Conagh 2013-12-23 17:28:35  
Ehleni said: »
Leviathan.Multiabuse said: »
Ehleni said: »
Well I got Gendewitha caubeen augumented with 2% which is kinda like NQ Theo cap. Litany clogs look really interesting, but yeah gonna take a while before I get that.

Is it OK to cure in gear that only gives cure casting time? seems like a waste of slots to cure with cure clogs. Or perhaps cure is effective enough with the reduced amount of cure casting.

Below there's a set that I can start to work on. Most of the stuff I already have.

ItemSet 314342

When I get the WKR wand and genbus shield I can get rid of some items and replace with other items that increase the cure amount. Bokwus is probably the most difficult piece for me right now. I've never done delve or obtain plasm.

With that set I'll get cure casting 74% and cure potency 50%. According to cure calculator I will drop a Cure V for 1101

Only because it isn't clear in the above if this is your cast-time only or your intended potency set, I would suggest using the Orison Bliaud +2 for single target cures and find potency elsewhere. The additional stoneskin from "Enhances Afflatus Solace" should not be overlooked: it is quite substantial - especially on higher tier cures.

50% potency can be obtained easily these days in a wide variety of gear choices. I use Tamaxchi/Genbu's, Gendewitha Caubeen, and Bokwus Gloves. Although the body (for single target cures only) and legs are locked to Orison +2, the rest you can choose according to your budget, determination, and immediate availability of items. I know you weren't specifically asking for potency sets, but being a new WHM you will find quickly that knowledge of encounters and ability to anticipate enemy moves is vastly more important than a few percentage points of cure cast time reduction.

Ghishlain above has a very in-depth and well written guide on all things WHM (linked in his post). His advice is timeless and will serve you well for as long as you play the job. Best of luck and welcome to the club.

Well that's my current healing set. I'm currently working on getting Tamaxchi and I did Yumcax the other day but we wiped of course =/. As mentioned before, getting plasm is probably gonna be the toughest part. I have never gotten any plasm and I'm not entirely sure on how to get it. The only way I know is Delve and I've heard that there are other ways.

The rest is fairly easy to get.

Thanks for all the great posts!

Why is no one using 12 cors for WKR and killing them in 15~30 minutes >_>

Everyone too busy going loljobs?
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Doctorugh
Posts: 317
By Cerberus.Doctorugh 2013-12-23 17:37:56  
Serious CORs already did this, have all the wins (and drops they want) and don't see a point to doing more WKRs.
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Draylo
By Leviathan.Draylo 2013-12-23 17:43:18  
Because everyone in this age is a DD meathead only. They don't level any support jobs at all.
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6862
By Fenrir.Sylow 2013-12-23 17:51:22  
I levelled BRD.

Made a 99 harp/horn.

DD BRD only.
By 2013-12-23 18:08:39
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サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6862
By Fenrir.Sylow 2013-12-23 18:24:20  
By 2013-12-24 15:20:51
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サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: onagh
Posts: 3189
By Cerberus.Conagh 2013-12-24 15:43:28  
Cerberus.Doctorugh said: »
Serious CORs already did this, have all the wins (and drops they want) and don't see a point to doing more WKRs.

Then when there's 112 people in zone, a few should be cors, like 72 of them. the rest PLD and WHM.
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: MiavPigen
Posts: 1245
By Phoenix.Gaiarorshack 2013-12-24 17:18:18  
Fenrir.Motenten said: »
However you might be asserting that to hit an actual +50% potency you need more than +50% in gear, similar to how haste uses fractions of /1024. This is a potential, though not universal mechanic. Fast cast and crit rates work on exact percentages, whereas haste, MDT, and spell interrupt rates work on on binary fraction.

which makes total sense from a programming perspective

critrate does not affect another value so there is no expensive dividing including, it just usa a RNG ranging between 1 and 100 compared to the value of critrate

however haste affect the delay value so there is a division in place which is resource heavy on a cpu (the most slow calculations of the 4 basics ones)
Just as humans easily divideg by 10 cause we just move the . or , (depending on country) on step to the left. dividing with 2 is just easier for a cpu cause instead of using a accurate divide methods they have a special instruction that just like humans moves the bit one step which is one of the fastest operation on a cpu (short of Xor)

so instead of a complex dividing with 100 for percentages of a values it divides with 1024 which is just 10 very fast bitshift operations, and then it multiplies the percentage with 10 (or 11 sometime) so its not 100% that makes a hole units but 102.4

Same goes with pdt and mdt as the percentage affect another value and division is the needed.

knowing that simple cpu utilization optimizing routine it makes sense that the programmer would do the same for cure potency as that is a percentage that affect another value and division is needed.

fastcast should work likes this too are you sure its perfect percentages ?

basically it should work like this:
if its a percentage to "trigger" an effect = perfect percentages
if its a percentage that alter another value = bit shift operation in place which gives rounding errors.
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