Currently member's home page title [HOME](EN) is translated as「TOPへ」(JP).
But it's wrong. It should be「ホーム」.
Wrong Translation |
Wrong translation
Currently member's home page title [HOME](EN) is translated as「TOPへ」(JP).
But it's wrong. It should be「ホーム」. Regards. In my years of surfing the jp side of the 'net, I've noticed way too often that what most english sites refer as the "HOME" page is most often written in JP homepages as the "トップ(TOP)" page....
As proof, I'll leave the hatena diary keyword definition for トップページ here. (and btw it's written in japanese...) So yes it's not a dictionary translation, but I still think it is "correct" in terms of tranliterating to accomodate between the two different cultures. Leviathan.Espresso
Humm. I see.
But in any case, the character「ヘ」is needless. Regards. When translating the website initially, I decided to rely mostly on existing Japanese web culture vocabulary and terminology wherever I could, rather than going for translations which may be closer at a pure dictionary level, but not as familiar to our JP users.
ちなみに、日本語側の問題、バグ報告等に関する質問には日本語フォーラムのほうが適切かもしれませんね。 こちら英語側で書き込んだら日本語できないブラウザーに怪しいポップアップがたまに発生しますので ^^; // begin what some see as chicken scratch (like jae says, I probably should take this to the JP forum...)
実はこのサイトの日本語表記に関する問題なら、普通に日本語板でスレ立ててもいいんですよw (まあ、バグ板でお願いします~ってphpbb時代に書いたのは僕だけど、実際は匿名バグ報告が 多いから、ジェリクが直せる範囲のモノだったら日本語板でも実際は大丈夫なのよね…) ちなみに日本語化のモニター時代から関わって来て覚えてる事が1つあるます: 最初に日本語化する時は「TOPへ戻る」だったんだけど、データベースなりシステムなりの 仕様でそのまま全文表示するのが困難(つか、ぶっちゃけ不可能?)だと言う問題に運営陣が ブチあたって、しがなく現在の「TOPへ」に省略された覚えがあるとですよ。 運営陣は給料貰ってここ運営してるわけじゃないし、あからさまに100%間違いってわけでも ないし(リンクは「TOPへ」飛ぶモノなんだし)目くじら立てる理由ないんじゃね? Leviathan.Espresso
After all, it's strange translation in my feeling.
I'm native Japanese and sometimes I'm a web developer. The word「トップ」should be used for the really top page. If you use the word 「トップ」for a member's home, you should redirect the top page to member's home, I think. (when click the top banner or so) for examples, at some of Google tools such as will be redirected to The TOP is always member's home when you are logged in. It can be called as 「トップ」.(but Google doesn't in this case). It's an usability issue, maybe. Regards. Leviathan.Espresso
Rikapi, I'm not talking about member's menu but page title of member's home.
The page title shows, iirc, the same variable as the navibar... which would mean that ideally you would create two variables (one for navibbar, one for page header) to be grammatically correct in both cases... but I believe this will open up a whole new can of worms for the dev team.
FFXIAH technically has two top-level pages - the general one for your server and the one for you as a logged-in member - and since both can be called "top/home/index" depending on how you look at it, I'll argue again that it's not wrong to call the member's top-level page "top" as which word feels better completely becomes a stylistic viewpoint and not a right-or-wrong question. (Being a translator, I've hated the type of translators that say "There is only one real way to translate this sentence - my way!" as there is a myriad of ways to express oneself in a sentence -- so the word "wrong" that you used in your original post really set me off, if you couldn't tell.) Now, I was writing something in mixi, and noticed "top" is the top-level page of the particular member you were reading up on, and "home" is your own top-level. In terms of FFXIAH, I feel more like "top" is the member's index and "home" is the server index -- but apparently you see it otherwise, and I really can't argue any further if it's boiling down to stylistic differences in translation between two native Japanese speakers. Leviathan.Espresso
IMHO, "home" has private image, "top" has global image.
And yes, you should go on your way. It's not wrong. But the "ヘ" is definitely wrong. It's none-sense and less-usability. :P |
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