Firewalls FTW

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Firewalls FTW
サーバ: Kujata
Game: FFXI
user: Vandell
Posts: 5
By Kujata.Vandell 2008-03-28 17:06:28  
A computer at has attempted an unsolicited connection to TCP port 2005 on your computer.
TCP port 2005 is commonly used by the "TransScout (port 7 of 7)" service or program. The source computer has scanned your computer for this trojan, but it has been blocked by your firewall.

That's the msg my McAfee had in the events log,just thought I'd share.

"transscout.exe: Remote Access / Steals passwords / Keylogger. Removal: Transscout.exe is removed by RegRun. Read more... Removal instructions. ..." ~quoted from a google hit.

Tho it might not be an attack directly from still seems kinda odd.
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Scragg
Posts: 2579
By Fenrir.Scragg 2008-03-28 21:53:59  
Thanks for the report, we'll look into it.
サーバ: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 182
By Ramuh.Bekisa 2008-04-02 09:53:27  
There's a pretty large out burst of people targeting MMORPG accounts for money lately. It was on CNN or MSNBC or one of the new channels a week or two ago.

Anything programmed by a human, can be hacked by a human eventually. Talk to the group of student who cracked Intel's 'unbreakable' 128-bit encryption code for a school project a few years back in a matter of weeks.

Virus makers are getting better, they are infecting things which in the past were untouchable.
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Jaerik
Posts: 3834
By Lakshmi.Jaerik 2008-04-02 10:59:06  
RMT has become very serious business, with some economists estimating that the global market for the (mostly elicit) sale of virtual goods topped $4.2 billion US dollars in 2007.

Even the New York Times has weighed in on the social and economic ramifications. Serious economists are taking notice and trying to figure it out.

By some estimates, Chinese RMT hacking and sale of virtual goods now accounts for nearly 5% of the country's entire Gross Domestic Product.

In short: MMO's are losing the war against RMT, or have already lost. At this point, it's simply up to us to minimize their impact as much as possible. That means it's up to players to protect themselves, because it's a sad reality that is growing too fast (25.5% RMT market growth per year) for any single MMO company to contain or mediate.
サーバ: Kujata
Game: FFXI
user: Kenada
Posts: 45
By Kujata.Kenada 2008-04-02 13:41:33  
Well ultimately it's up to the players whether or not RMTs win or not. If players continue to buy "Virtual Goods" (in our case Gil), they'll feed the RMT market and grow it.

If all players make a conscious effort to not buy gil, this in turn will destroy the RMT market. There won't be the need to hack accounts, bots, NM claim control and destroy the game economy.

Wouldn't it be ironic if a player spends x amount of dollars on gil, only to have his/her account hacked the next day...
サーバ: Hades
Game: FFXI
user: aureole
Posts: 31
By Hades.Scragg 2008-04-02 14:30:17  
Locking, already talked to the OP, it was nothing.
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