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This is definitely a problem. I don't mean to sound like an elitist or anything(if I am) but Dynamis is one of those touchy events where a run can be ruined by people not doing their jobs/don't listen.

I'm nice when I call out BLM's on the problems I stated...I don't *** or anything, because I know what its like to be new to Dynamis. We all know what its like. What infuriates me, is when I try to explain to a BLM why they need to do something differently etc... I get the "you're not a BLM, this is how BLM's play the game, so shut up and let me do my job" response, even if I'm a sack or pearlholder. That kind of disrespect in itself is unacceptable in a linkshell, of course.

And sure its how BLM play the game...(kite nuking)...but Dynamis is different than PTing or soloing. Its a team effort, and everyone has a role to play, everyone plays a part in the much bigger puzzle that is Dynamis (Or einherjar, or sky, or sea, or HNM, etc etc.)

I'm one of those people who takes out the time to write a Dynamis Guide on the LS website for people, or talk in /tell with people who are new to events, but generally they laugh and throw it in my face and do things the way they want to do, instead of being a team player. On a few occasions people have responded to me with sexist remarks such as "you don't know anything you're a girl, girls can't run events or shells".

I don't know if its just Bahamut players, newer players, or what, but is driving me damn crazy.

At first I thought maybe it was Level Sync ruining players, but even some players that have been playing for a while are like this. ._. Mostly its the disrespect and inability to listen/be a team player that annoys me, I know not all BLM's are like that... But there is seriously a problem here.

>.> I feel better now.

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